[Haskell] Latex and Bibtex

Doaitse Swierstra doaitse at cs.uu.nl
Thu Apr 7 05:13:58 EDT 2005

At least I can provide you with a bibtex parser written using the  
Utrecht Parser Combinators. As you will see from the text the bibtex  
format is actually quite intricate.

  Doaitse Swierstra

--  $Header:  
/data/cvs-rep/uust/examples/bibtex-parser/BibtexParser.hs,v 1.8  
2002/11/08 12:48:00 uust Exp $
--  $Name:  $ (version name)
{- Fast, Error Correcting Parser Combinators; Version: see Version  
History in same directory.
  - Copyright:  S. Doaitse Swierstra
                Department of Computer Science
                Utrecht University
                P.O. Box 80.089
                3508 TB UTRECHT
                the Netherlands
                swierstra at cs.uu.nl

{- file: bibtex6.hs
    A parser for BibTeX
    using the UU parsing combinators
    Piet van Oostrum, Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse Swierstra (April 22, 2001)
module Main where
import UU.Parsing
import UU.Parsing.CharParser
import UU.Scanner.Position
import System
import Char

showMessage (Msg exp pos action) =
   "\nParse error: " ++  show pos ++ "\n" ++
   actionMessage ++ "\n"
  where actionMessage = case action of
                         Insert s -> "expecting: " ++ show exp ++
                                     "\nrepaired by inserting " ++ show s
                         Delete s -> "expecting: " ++ show exp ++
                                     "\nrepaired by deleting unexpected  
symbol " ++ show s
                         Other m  -> m

parsebib filename -- e.g. parsebib "btxdoc.bib"
   = do res   <- parseFile showMessage pBibData filename
        putStrLn ("\nResult:" ++ show (length res) ++ " bib items were  

   = do args <- getArgs
        if null args
          then putStr "BibtexParser <bibfile>\n"
          else parsebib (head args)

-- ===== DATA TYPES  
type BibParser = AnaParser Input Pair Char Pos

type BibData  = [ BibEntry]

data BibEntry = Entry     String  (String, [Field])  -- kind keyword  
	             | Comment   String
	             | Preamble  [ValItem]
	             | StringDef Field
               deriving Show

type Field    = (String, [ValItem])

data ValItem  = StringVal String
	             | IntVal    Int
	             | NameUse   String
	            	deriving Show
-- ===== PARSERS  
pBibData    = pChainr ((\ entry  _ right -> entry:right) <$> pBibEntry)
                       ( [] <$ pList (allChars `pExcept` "@"))

  =  (   Entry     <$ pAt <*> pName           <*> pOpenClose (    
pKeyName       <*  pSpec ','
pListSep_ng pComma pField
                                                             <* (pComma  
`opt` ' '))
     <|> Comment   <$ pAt <*  pKey "comment"  <*> (  pCurly (pList  
(allChars `pExcept` "}"))
	                                               <|> pParen (pList  
(allChars `pExcept` ")"))
     <|> Preamble  <$ pAt <*  pKey "preamble" <*> pOpenClose pValItems
     <|> StringDef <$ pAt <*  pKey "string"   <*> pOpenClose pField

pField     :: BibParser (String, [ValItem])
pField     =  pName <* pSpec '=' <+> pValItems

pValItems  =  pList1Sep (pSpec '#') (   StringVal   <$> pString
	                                   <|> int_or_name <$> pName
               where int_or_name s = if all isDigit s
                                     then IntVal.(read::String->Int) $ s
                                     else NameUse s
-- ===== LEXICAL STUFF  
pLAYOUT :: BibParser String
pLAYOUT = pList (EOr [] `setfirsts` pAnySym " \t\r\n")
pSpec c = pSym c  <* pLAYOUT

pParen      p = pPacked (pSpec '(') (pSpec ')') p
pCurly      p = pPacked (pSpec '{') (pSpec '}') p
pOpenClose  p = pParen p <|> pCurly p
pComma        = pCostSym  4 ',' ',' <* pLAYOUT
pAt           = pSpec '@'

allChars = (chr 1, chr 127, ' ')

pName     = pList1 ('a'<..>'z' <|> 'A'<..>'Z' <|> '0'<..>'9'  <|>  
pAnySym "-_/") <* pLAYOUT
pKeyName  = pList1 ((chr 33, chr 127, ' ') `pExcept` ",=@"               
        ) <* pLAYOUT

pKey [s]     = lift <$> (pSym s <|> pSym (toUpper s)) <*  pLAYOUT
pKey (s:ss)  = (:)  <$> (pSym s <|> pSym (toUpper s)) <*> pKey ss
pKey []      = error "Scanner: You cannot have empty reserved words!"

  = let  curlyStrings  = stringcons <$> pSym '{' <*> pConc pStringWord  
<*> pSym '}'
         pStringWordDQ = lift       <$> pStringCharDQ <|> curlyStrings
         pStringWord   = lift       <$> pStringChar   <|> curlyStrings
         pStringCharDQ = allChars `pExcept` "\"{}"
         pStringChar   = pStringCharDQ <|> pSym '\"'
         pConc         = pFoldr ((++),[])
         stringcons c1 ss c2 = [c1] ++ ss ++ [c2]
    in (   pSym '"' *> pConc pStringWordDQ <* pSym '"'
	     <|> pSym '{' *> pConc pStringWord   <* pSym '}'
       ) <* pLAYOUT

lift c              = [c]

On 2005 apr 07, at 4:18, Thomas Bevan wrote:

> Does anyone know of any work being done on Latex with Haskell?
> I am particularly interested in finding a Haskell replacement to  
> Bibtex.
> Thanks.
> Tom
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