[Haskell] ESCAR in Tallinn, 2nd CFP

geoff at cs.miami.edu geoff at cs.miami.edu
Fri Apr 1 07:30:10 EST 2005

ESCAR, a CADE-20 Workshop                                   22nd-23rd July 2005
http://www.cs.miami.edu/~geoff/Conferences/ESCAR/              Tallinn, Estonia

The CADE-20 Workshop on  Empirically Successful Classical  Automated  Reasoning
(ESCAR) will  bring together practioners and researchers who are concerned with
the  implementation and deployment  of working  automated reasoning systems for
classical logic  (propositional, first order,  and higher order).  The workshop
will discuss  "really running" systems, and not theoretical ideas that have not
yet  been translated  into working  software.  ESCAR is  the successor  to  the
successful ESFOR workshop held at IJCAR 2004. CADE-20 will be 22nd to 27th July
2005, with ESCAR on the 22nd and 23rd. Full details are available at:

Submission of papers for presentation at the workshop, and proposals for system 
and application demonstrations  at the workshop,  are now invited.  Submissions 
will be refereed,  and a balanced program of high-quality contributions will be 
selected.  The submission deadline  is 1st May,  notification of acceptance  on 
30th May,  and camera ready versions  due 12th June.  Submission information is 
online at:

Additionally,  the Journal of Automated Reasoning has agreed to a special issue
on emperically successful automated reasoning.  Authors of ESCAR papers will be
able to  submit extended  versions of  their workshop  papers for  this special
issue. All papers submitted for the special issue will be reviewed according to
the journal's standards.

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