[Haskell] Do the libraries define S' ?

Graham Klyne gk at ninebynine.org
Wed Jul 7 08:18:54 EDT 2004

There's a pattern of higher-order function usage I find myself repeatedly 
wanting to use, exemplified by the following:

-- combineTest :: (Bool->Bool->Bool) -> (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool)
combineTest :: (b->c->d) -> (a->b) -> (a->c) -> a -> d
combineTest c t1 t2 = \a -> c (t1 a) (t2 a)

(.&.) :: (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool)
(.&.) = combineTest (&&)

(.|.) :: (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool) -> (a->Bool)
(.|.) = combineTest (||)

t1 = (>0) .&. (<=4) $ 2         -- True
t2 = (>0) .&. (<=4) $ 5         -- False
t3 = (>0) .&. (<=4) $ 0         -- False
t4 = (>0) .|. (<=4) $ 5         -- True
t5 = (>0) .|. (<=4) $ 0         -- True

tall = and [t1,not t2,not t3,t4,t5]

Looking at the fully-generalized type of 'combineTest', and digging around 
in SPJ's book on implementation of FP languages, I notice that my 
combineTest function has the same reduction pattern as the S' combinator 
used as an optimization of SK combinator compilation.

All this (the recurring requirement, and the fact that S' is a very 
well-known combinator) leads me to think that maybe there is a version of 
S' somewhere in the standard Haskell libraries.

If there is, where is it please?

If not, should it be in there somewhere?


Graham Klyne
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