[Haskell] Implicit return values

Ben Rudiak-Gould benrg at dark.darkweb.com
Sun Jan 25 15:57:32 EST 2004

I'm sure we've all used the Writer monad from time to time when we want to
yield a value which will propagate up several levels of a recursive call
tree "behind the scenes". And we've all been annoyed at having to rewrite
the whole function in monadic style. WriterT is less intrusive, but not
much so, since we have to pepper the code with calls to "lift".

I think there's a better solution. It should be possible to turn the idea
of linear implicit parameters upside-down, to get values which are
automatically propagated upwards and merged as necessary.

We would need a class "Mergeable", a counterpart to "Splittable". But we
already have such a class (Monoid).

Here's a possible syntax. An expression like (123, ^x = "foo") would
have the type (Integer, ^x :: String), which is like a tuple but with
all but one of the elements having a name. An expression like

  (123, ^x="foo") - (45, ^x="bar", ^y="baz")

would be converted by the compiler to

  (123 - 45, ^x=("foo" `mappend` "bar"), ^y="baz"),

even if the two values passed to (-) were returned from a recursive call
and not written out explicitly as I've done here.

These return values could then be extracted by matching against the
pattern (a, ^x = b), which would return the value of ^x in b, and the
scrutinee with ^x removed in a.

The semantics seems very simple -- virtually identical to implicit

Implicit return values are dual to exceptions-as-values in some sense:
they use an implicit product return type instead of a sum.

It should be possible to implicitly return values which are not instances
of Monoid: the compiler errors out if it ever needs to merge such a type.
Wouldn't this provide a form of uniqueness typing a la Clean? In fact,
couldn't we implement safe state threads on top of this, instead of the ST
monad? In fact, couldn't we work within several state threads at once?

-- Ben

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