CFP: Workshop on Constraint Programming and Constraint for
Verification (CP+CV'04)
Giorgio Delzanno
giorgio at
Tue Jan 13 15:54:07 EST 2004
Workshop on Constraint Programming and Constraint for Verification (CP+CV'04)
March 28, Barcelona, Spain
at the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS)
Home page:
The use of constraints had its scientific and commercial breakthrough in
the 1990s.
Programming with constraints makes it possible to model and specify problems
with uncertain, incomplete information and to solve combinatorial problems,
as they are abundant in industry and commerce, such as scheduling, planning,
transportation, resource allocation, layout, design, and analysis.
Constraint-based programming languages enjoy elegant theoretical properties,
conceptual simplicity, and practical success.
The aim of the workshop is to provide opportunity for interactions with the
other ETAPS'04 events and to be a major meeting point in the research area
inbetween the Constraint Programming conferences, which are held each autumn.
The workshop will consist of sessions with invited talks that summarize the
main challenges and/or application potential for the community, and sessions
with short presentations describing ongoing work.
Taking inspiration from the CP 02 workshop CFV, we will have a special track
dedicated to "formal verification". In recent years there has been an
increasing interest for the application of constraint programming and
constraint solving technology to the formal verification of hardware
and software systems.
Constraint solvers for Boolean (SAT) and arithmetic domains (Presburger,
polyhedra, linear constraints) are widely used as subprocedures of
symbolic model checkers (e.g. nuSMV) and of model checkers for hybrid
and real time systems (e.g. HyTech, Uppaal).
Constraint solving is also used for computing static analysis of programs
with numerical data variables and concurrent systems (e.g. via the Structural
Theory of Petri Nets).
The aim of this special track is to bring together researchers working
in constraints and verification and to investigate the theoretical
foundations, new applications, and future developments in this area.
To submit, send an email to Giorgio Delzanno giorgio at
containing four consecutive ASCII lines with title, author(s), email(s) and
WWW link directly to compressed postscript file (5-15 pages).
Accepted papers will be available electronically at the workshop web-page
and may be published in hard-copy proceedings (available at the workshop).
Giorgio Delzanno, DISI - University of Genova
Thom Fruehwirth, University of Ulm
Francois Fages, INRIA Rocquencourt
Joao Marques-Silva, Technical University of Lisbon, IST/INESC-ID/CEL
Andreas Podelski, MPI - Saarbruecken
Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne
January 28, 2004: Paper submissions
February 25, 2004: Acceptance decisions
March 12, 2004: Final version due
March/April, 2004: Workshop at ETAPS 2004
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