Combining distinct-thread state monads?

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang at
Thu Jan 8 12:00:39 EST 2004

Am Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2004 03:20 schrieben Sie:
> [...]

> Thanks for your informative reply.

You're welcome.

> [...]

> One disadvantage is that it lacks symmetry in that one monad is arbitrarily
> chosen to sit inside the other.

Yes, I see this as a disadvantage, too.

> I found another approach mentioned called "stratification", developed by
> David Espinosa in his PhD thesis "Semantic Lego".  I am finding it a little
> hard to read because he codes in Scheme, not Haskell, but it sounds
> promising and seems to preserve symmetry better.
> Are you (or others) aware of this kind of approach being used in Haskell?

Neither I know this approach nor I'm aware of a Haskell implementation of it.

> Cheers,
> Mark.


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