[Haskell] DoCon-2.08 announcement

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Mon Dec 20 03:05:36 EST 2004


A Computer Algebra program DoCon-2.08 is released:

  http://www.botik.ru/~mechvel/  click at  docon-2.08
                                                     (Russian site),
  ftp.botik.ru/pub/local/Mechveliani/docon/          (same),
  http://www.haskell.org/docon/distrib/              (USA site)

DoCon-2.08 is a library of Haskell functions and data structures.
It is written in an extension of  Haskell-98  including 
multiparametric classes,  overlapping instances and `undecidable' 
It was tested under the Glasgow Haskell system of 6.2.2,  
under Linux.
The main differences to the previous release of 2.06 are: 
* it is ported to a more recent system  ghc-6.2.2,
  the Manual is revised slightly,
* it includes some support for non-commutative polynomials over a 
  commutative ring,
* several bugs are fixed.

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at botik.ru

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