[Haskell] Re: whereis the lazyness ?

Fred Nicolier f.nicolier at iut-troyes.univ-reims.fr
Sat Dec 4 04:22:34 EST 2004

> No. The array really does get created with that huge number elements.
> The Haskell Array type is lazy in it's *elements*, not its keys.

Ok thanks, i understand (my error is that i want lazy datas everywhere !!)

> The Array type is just your ordinary O(1) indexable structure. If you
> want a data structure that works well with sparse keys, you'll need to
> look beyond the simple Array type. FiniteMap would work fine for this. 

My aim is to design signal/image processing code. I dont want efficiency 
  but clarity. I hope to be closer as possible to the "math" defs.
By definition a signal is a function from Integer to Nums. So i modify 
my code as joined.

The question is : should i design a class (derived from FinitMap by 
example) or keep the defined datatype ?



import Data.Array

-- The general definition of a signal
data SignalOn x a = Signal (x, x) (x -> a)

-- some constructor (other can be easily defined)
funcSignal b f = Signal b f
listSignal b l = Signal b ( \k -> l!!(k - fst b) )
arraySignal b a = Signal b (a!)

-- a monodimensional signal is just a specialized signal
type Signal1dOf a = SignalOn Int a

-- an Image is just a specialized signal
type ImageOf a = SignalOn (Int, Int) a

funcImage :: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> ((Int, Int) -> a) -> ImageOf a
funcImage b f = Signal b f

-- some stuff to access the basic properties of a signal

values (Signal b f) = [f k | k <- range b]
funcOf (Signal _ f) = f
bnds (Signal b f) = b
(&) (Signal _ f) x = f x

instance (Index k, Num a) => Show (SignalOn k a) where
     show (Signal b f) = "Signal on "
                         ++ show b ++ " = "
                         ++ show ( map f (range b) )

mixWith op (Signal b f) (Signal b' f') = Signal b ( \k -> op (f k) (f' k))

instance (Index k, Eq a) => Eq (SignalOn k a) where
    x /= y = ( bnds x /= bnds y) || (values x /= values y)

instance (Index k) => Functor (SignalOn k) where
     fmap g (Signal b f) = Signal b (g.f)

instance (Num a) => Num (Signal1dOf a) where
     (+) = mixWith (+)
     (*) = mixWith (*)
     signum = fmap signum
     abs = fmap abs
     fromInteger k = funcSignal (minB, maxB) (const (fromIntegral k) )
         where minB = (minBound :: Int)
               maxB = (maxBound :: Int)

-- Necessary stuff for indexes

class (Ix a, Ord a, Show a) => Index a where
     max2Ix :: a -> a -> a
     min2Ix :: a -> a -> a
     ltIx  :: a -> a -> Bool
     lengthIx :: a -> Int
     add2Ix :: a -> a -> a
     mul2Ix :: a -> a -> a
     negIx :: a -> a

     max2Ix x y = max x y
     min2Ix x y = min x y
     ltIx x y  = x <= y
     lengthIx _ = 1

instance Index Int where
     add2Ix x y = x + y
     mul2Ix x y = x * y
     negIx x = -x

instance (Index a, Index b) => Index (a,b) where
     max2Ix (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (max2Ix x1 x2, max2Ix y1 y2)
     min2Ix (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (min2Ix x1 x2, min2Ix y1 y2)
     ltIx (x1,y1) (x2,y2)  = ltIx x1 x2 && ltIx y1 y2
     lengthIx _ = 2
     add2Ix (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (add2Ix x1 x2, add2Ix y1 y2)
     mul2Ix (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (mul2Ix x1 x2, add2Ix y1 y2)
     negIx (x,y) = (negIx x, negIx y)

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