[Haskell] Announce: Haskell ACID Relational DBMS v0.1

S. Alexander Jacobson alex at alexjacobson.com
Tue Apr 13 19:35:25 EDT 2004

In thinking about a data storage model for a web
app I wanted to develop, and in finding Haskell so
concise and expressive, I wondered if one could
write a relational DBMS in Haskell in under 1000
lines of code.  The answer appears to be yes!

* non-destructive-update Haskell DBMS (can use a
  relational database without escaping to the IO
* supports user defined types
* supports user defined relations and functions
* command pattern structure for write-ahead logging
* Inner,Outer,Left,Right joins on arbitrary
  (user-defined) relations (not just "=")
* in-memory/in-process means no disk/marshalling overhead

Risks include:
* functions/aggregates not yet implemented e.g.
   (a<b+c) or (a<max(b))
* no performance testing -- joins expensive!
* no proof of correctness
* written by non-academic new haskell developer
* Not SQL.  No Sockets.  -- should be part of the
    app wrapper used to maintain consistency!

* License: GPL

Note: I am an expert neither in Haskell, nor in
relational databases, nor in
relational algebra/set theory/category theory.  So
comments/suggestions/recommendations on any aspect
of this code are welcome.

Comment on Haskell: WOW!!!!!! I basically wrote
this without testing just thinking about my
program in terms of transformations between types.
I wrote the test/example code at the end and had
almost no implementation errors in the code!  The
compiler/type-system is really really good at
preventing you from making coding mistakes! I've
never in my life had a block of code this big work
on the first try!!! I am WAYYY impressed. Note:
Code working means doing what I think it will do.
I might be wrong about relational theory, but that
is a separate class of problem.


S. Alexander Jacobson                  mailto:me at alexjacobson.com
tel:917-770-6565                       http://alexjacobson.com
-------------- next part --------------
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
  Haskell ACID Relational Database Management System v.01
  Copyright (C) 2004 S. Alexander Jacobson 
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

* All data fit in memory (at least in this version!)
* We want an in-process Haskell DBMS
* Atomicity via app level definition of transaction (e.g. prevayler.org)
* Consistency via the app wrapper around database
* Isolation via haskell's referential integrity
* Durability via write-ahead logging of update requests and state serialization

--see test example at the end!!

import Maybe
import Data.Set
import Data.FiniteMap 
import Data.Typeable

import List hiding (union,intersect)
import Control.Monad
import Random

--Conceptual model:
--A database is a set of records (tableId is just a property of a record.)
--A record is a mapping from propertyIds to propertyValues with a unique identity.

type RecordSet = Set Record
type Record = FiniteMap PropId PropVal
newtype RecordId= RecordId String deriving (Eq,Ord) 
newtype PropId  = PropId String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
newtype PropVal = PropVal {propVal::String} deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) 

--A value has meaning only w/r/t the type of its identifier (is "2" < "100"?)
data PropTypeId = PropTypeId {ptName::String,ptArgs::PropTypeArgs} 	 deriving (Eq,Ord)
type PropTypeArgs = [String]

--Abstract representation of database
class DBImpl db => DBInterface db where
	--You need to define propId types before you assign them values in records!
	putPropId::db -> PropId -> PropTypeId -> db 
	getPropId::db -> PropId -> Maybe PropTypeId
	delPropId::db -> PropId -> db
	indPropId::db -> FiniteMap PropId PropTypeId
	--SQLish interpretation of basic interface
	dbInsert::db-> [Record] -> ([RecordId],db) -- 201 created location
	dbSelect::db -> SelectExpr -> WhereExpr -> GroupBy -> OrderBy -> [Result]
	dbDelete::db -> Set SetId  -> WhereExpr -> db
	dbUpdate::db -> UpdateExpr -> SelectExpr -> WhereExpr -> GroupBy ->  db
	--support functions (default implementation can use these)
	----dbInsertRecord::db -> Record -> (RecordId,db)			   
	dbWhereExpr:: db -> WhereExpr -> Set JoinedRecordIds
	dbGroupBy::   db -> GroupBy    -> Set JoinedRecordIds -> Set (Set JoinedRecordIds)
	dbSelectExpr::db -> SelectExpr -> Set (Set JoinedRecordIds) -> ResultSet
	dbOrderByPairs:: db -> OrderBy    -> ResultSet -> [(JoinedRecordIds,Result)]
	dbOrderBy::db -> OrderBy -> ResultSet -> [Result]
  A relational database allows declarative manipulation of sets of records
  based on the relation of their property values to specified constants 
  and on the relation of their property values to those of other records.
type JoinedRecordIds = FiniteMap SetId RecordId --recordIds related in some way
newtype SetId = SetId String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type Result = FiniteMap SetIdPropId (Maybe PropVal)  --recordid is property of record 
type SetIdPropId = (SetId,PropId) 
type ResultSet = Set (JoinedRecordIds,Result)

data SelectExpr = SelectExpr (FiniteMap SetIdPropId Expr) | SelectAll
data Expr = EVal PropVal
		  | EPropId SetIdPropId
		  -- | EFun FunId Expr  -- currying assumed
		  -- | ENull
newtype FunId = FunId String

data WhereExpr 	
	= QExists SetIdPropId Bool
	| QPair SetIdPropId Bool RelationId PropVal
	| QJoin JoinType SetIdPropId RelationId SetIdPropId
	| QAnd WhereExpr WhereExpr
	| QOr WhereExpr WhereExpr
	-- | QRecordIds {qpRecordIds::Set JoinedRecordIds} --record is part of record set
	-- | QPair SetIdPropId RelationId (Set PropVal)
	-- | QExpr e.g. propId + propId < value
	-- | QSubQ (PropId -> PropVal) -> (QuerySet,Prop)

data JoinType = InnerJoin --both vals Just record
			  | LeftJoin -- left val Just record
			  | RightJoin --right val Just record
			  | OuterJoin -- left or right is Just record
			  deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord)

newtype RelationId = RelationId String deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
-- this is a *RELATIONAL* database

type OrderBy = [SetIdPropId]
type GroupBy = [SetIdPropId]

--data UpdateExpr = Insert SetId | Update SelectExpr | Delete SetId
data UpdateExpr = UpdateExpr {uInserts::Set SetId
							 ,uUpdates::Set SetId
							 ,uDeletes::Set SetId}

class DBImpl db where
	--record level stuff
	dbCreateRecordId::db -> (RecordId,db)
	dbDelRecordId::db -> RecordId -> db
	dbSetRecordProp::db -> RecordId -> PropId -> PropVal -> db
	dbDelRecordProp::db -> RecordId -> PropId -> db

defaultDBResultPairs db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr = 
	dbSelectExpr db selectExpr $
	dbGroupBy db groupByExpr $
	dbWhereExpr db whereExpr

defaultDBSelectPairs db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr orderBy =
	dbOrderByPairs db orderBy $ 
	defaultDBResultPairs db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr 

defaultDBSelect db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr orderBy =
	dbOrderBy db orderBy $ 
	defaultDBResultPairs db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr 

defaultDBOrderBy db orderByExpr resultSet =
	map snd $ dbOrderByPairs db orderByExpr resultSet

defaultDBInsert db records = foldl doFold ([],db) records
	doFold (recordIds,db) record = (recordId:recordIds,newdb)
		where (recordId,newdb) = dbInsertRecord db record
	dbInsertRecord db record = 
		(recordId,foldl setRecordProp ndb (fmToList record))
		(recordId,ndb) = dbCreateRecordId db
		setRecordProp db' (propId,propVal) = 
			dbSetRecordProp db' recordId propId propVal
defaultDBDelete db setIds whereExpr = 
	defaultDBDelete' db setIds $ setToList $ dbWhereExpr db whereExpr

defaultDBDelete' db setIds jrecList =foldl delJRec db jrecList
	delJRec db jrec= foldl (delRec jrec) db setIdList
	delRec jrec db setId =  maybe db (dbDelRecordId db) $ lookupFM jrec setId
	setIdList = setToList setIds

defaultDBUpdate db (UpdateExpr inserts updates deletes) selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr = 
	updated $ inserted $ deleted db
	deleted db =  if isEmptySet deletes then db else 
				  defaultDBDelete' db deletes jrecList
	jrecList = map fst rset
	rset = defaultDBSelectPairs db selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr []
	inserted db = foldl insRec db $ map snd rset
	insRec db result = snd $ dbInsert db records
		records = map resultToRecord $ setToList inserts
		resultToRecord setId = 
			foldl jPartToRec emptyFM $ onlyJust $ filterOnlySetId setId result
		jPartToRec fm ((setId,propId),propVal) = addToFM fm propId propVal
	onlyJust = map (\ (x,mbPropVal)-> (x,mayErr "updatepropval!" mbPropVal)) .
			   filter (\ ((setId,propId),mbPropVal) -> isJust mbPropVal)
	filterOnlySetId setId result = (filter (onlySetId setId) $ fmToList result)
	onlySetId setId ((setId',propId),propVal) = setId'==setId
	updated db = foldl updateRec db rset
	updateRec db (jrec,result) = foldl updateSetId db $ setToList updates
		updateSetId db setId = foldl updatePart db $ filterOnlySetId setId result
		updatePart db ((setId,propId),mbPropVal) = 
			maybe (dbDelRecordProp db recId propId)
				  (dbSetRecordProp db recId propId)
			recId = mayErr "should have matching recordId for set!" $
					lookupFM jrec setId

data BasicDatabase = BDB {propIdTypeId::FiniteMap PropId PropTypeId
						 ,propTypes::FiniteMap PropTypeId PropTypeHolder
						 ,recordIdPropIds::FiniteMap RecordId (Set PropId)
emptyBDB = BDB emptyFM emptyFM emptyFM (mkStdGen 1000)

data PropTypeHolder = forall value. PTH (PropType value)
data PropType value = forall property. -- function relation value. 
				Property  property value -- function relation value 
				PropType PropTypeArgs (FiniteMap PropId (property value))

class IPropTypeHolder a where
	emptyPropType::PropTypeId -> a

instance IPropTypeHolder PropTypeHolder where
	emptyPropType pti@(PropTypeId typename args)= 
		case typename of 
				 "String" -> PTH ((newPropType (emptyProp args::BasicProp String) args)::PropType String)
				 "Integer" -> PTH ((newPropType (emptyProp args::BasicProp Integer) args)::PropType Integer)
				 --"Double" -> newPropType (emptyProp args::BasicProp Double) args
class IPropType ipt where
	insertPropIdRecordId::ipt->PropId -> RecordId -> PropVal -> ipt
	deletePropIdRecordId::ipt->PropId -> RecordId -> ipt
	getPropIdRecordIds::ipt -> PropId -> Set RecordId
	getPropIdValRecordIds::ipt -> PropId -> PropVal -> Set RecordId
	getPropIdRelVals::ipt -> PropId -> Bool -> RelationId -> PropVal -> Set PropVal
	getPropIdRevRelVals::ipt -> PropId -> Bool -> RelationId -> PropVal -> Set PropVal
	getPropIdVals::ipt -> PropId -> Set PropVal
	getPropIdRecordIdVal::ipt -> PropId -> RecordId -> Maybe PropVal
	comparePropIdRecordIds::ipt -> PropId -> RecordId -> RecordId -> Ordering

instance IPropType PropTypeHolder where
	insertPropIdRecordId (PTH x) pid rid pv = PTH (insertPropIdRecordId x pid rid pv)
	deletePropIdRecordId (PTH x) pid rid = PTH (deletePropIdRecordId x pid rid)
	getPropIdRecordIds (PTH x) = getPropIdRecordIds x
	getPropIdValRecordIds (PTH x) = getPropIdValRecordIds x
	getPropIdRelVals (PTH x) = getPropIdRelVals x
	getPropIdVals (PTH x) = getPropIdVals x
	getPropIdRevRelVals (PTH x) = getPropIdRelVals x
	getPropIdRecordIdVal (PTH x) = getPropIdRecordIdVal x
	comparePropIdRecordIds (PTH x) = comparePropIdRecordIds x 

class Property prop value 
	newPropType::prop value -> PropTypeArgs -> PropType value
	insertRecordId::prop value -> RecordId -> PropVal -> prop value
	deleteRecordId::prop value -> RecordId -> prop value
	emptyProp::PropTypeArgs -> prop value -- there might be some parameters it uses
	getRecordIds::prop value ->Set RecordId
	getPropValRecordIds::prop value -> PropVal -> Set RecordId
	--getPropRelValRecordIds::prop value -> RelationId -> PropVal -> Set RecordId
	getPropRelVals::prop value -> Bool -> RelationId -> PropVal -> Set PropVal
	getPropRevRelVals::prop value -> Bool -> RelationId -> PropVal -> Set PropVal
	getPropVals::prop value -> Set PropVal
	getPropRecordIdVal::prop value -> RecordId -> Maybe PropVal
	comparePropRecordIds::prop value -> RecordId -> RecordId -> Ordering

	getValSets::prop value -> FiniteMap value (Set RecordId)
	isRelation::prop value -> RelationId -> value -> value -> Bool
	newPropType s args = PropType args (emptyFM::FiniteMap PropId (prop value))

instance  IPropType (PropType val) where
	insertPropIdRecordId (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId recordId propVal =
		PropType ptArgs (addToFM idMap propId prop')
		prop = maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id $ lookupFM idMap propId
		prop' = insertRecordId prop recordId propVal
	deletePropIdRecordId (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId recordId = PropType ptArgs idMap'
		prop = mayErr "!!!!no prop for id?" $ lookupFM idMap propId
		prop' = deleteRecordId prop recordId 
		idMap'=addToFM idMap propId prop'
	getPropIdRecordIds (PropType _ idMap) propId =  
		maybe emptySet getRecordIds $ lookupFM idMap propId
	getPropIdValRecordIds (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId val =
		getPropValRecordIds prop val
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	--getPropIdRelValRecordIds (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId relationId val =
		--getPropRelValRecordIds prop relationId val
		--where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	getPropIdRelVals (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId is relationId val =
		getPropRelVals prop is relationId val
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	getPropIdRevRelVals (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId is relationId val =
		getPropRevRelVals prop is relationId val
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	getPropIdVals (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId  =	getPropVals prop 
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	getPropIdRecordIdVal (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId recordId =	
		getPropRecordIdVal prop recordId
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)
	comparePropIdRecordIds (PropType ptArgs idMap) propId recId recId2 =
		comparePropRecordIds prop recId recId2
		where prop= maybe (emptyProp ptArgs) id (lookupFM idMap propId)

instance DBImpl BasicDatabase where
	dbCreateRecordId (BDB piti pt ipids gen) = (recordId,
											  BDB piti pt ipids' gen')
		(recordNum,gen')=next gen
		recordId=RecordId $ show recordNum
		ipids'=addToFM ipids recordId emptySet
	dbSetRecordProp db@(BDB piti pt ipids gen) recordId propId propVal = 
		BDB piti pt' ipids' gen
		--errors from propId or recordId not exist or propval parse error
		propTypeId = mayErr ("no propId created" ++ (show propId)) $ lookupFM piti propId
		propIds = mayErr "no recordId" (lookupFM ipids recordId)
		propType = mayErr "Should not err! has proptype!" $ lookupFM pt propTypeId
		propType' = insertPropIdRecordId propType propId recordId propVal
		pt' = addToFM pt propTypeId propType'
		ipids' = addToFM ipids recordId $ addToSet propIds propId
	dbDelRecordProp db@(BDB piti pt ipids gen) recordId propId = BDB piti pt' ipids' gen
		ipids' = addToFM ipids recordId (delFromSet propIds propId)
		propTypeId = mayErr "no propIdDel" $ lookupFM piti propId
		propIds = mayErr "no recordId" $ lookupFM ipids recordId
		propId' = if not $ elementOf propId propIds then error "no propId for record"
			  else propId
		propType = mayErr "should not err has proptype2" $ lookupFM pt propTypeId
		propType'= deletePropIdRecordId propType propId' recordId
		pt' = addToFM pt propTypeId propType'
	dbDelRecordId db@(BDB piti pt ipids gen) recordId = BDB piti pt' ipids' gen
		propIds = maybe emptySet id $ lookupFM ipids recordId
		ipids'=delFromFM ipids recordId
		db' = foldl (\db propId-> dbDelRecordProp db recordId propId) db (setToList propIds)
		pt' = propTypes db'

instance DBInterface BasicDatabase where
	putPropId (BDB piti pt ipids gen) propId pti@(PropTypeId typename args) = 
		BDB piti' pt' ipids gen
		piti'= addToFM piti propId pti
		pt' = if isNothing (lookupFM piti propId) 
								   then addToFM pt pti (emptyPropType pti)-- (PropType args emptyMap)
								   else pt
	getPropId (BDB piti _ _ gen) propId = lookupFM piti propId
	delPropId (BDB piti pt ipids gen) propId = BDB piti' pt' ipids gen
		piti' = (delFromFM piti propId)
		mbPT' = do
				propTypeId <- lookupFM piti propId
				PTH (PropType args propType) <- lookupFM pt propTypeId
				return $ addToFM pt propTypeId $ PTH $ PropType args (delFromFM propType propId)
		pt' = maybe pt id mbPT'
	indPropId (BDB piti _ _ _) = piti
	dbSelectExpr db selectExpr joinedSetSet  = 
		concatMapSet (\set -> mapSet evalItem set) joinedSetSet
		selectList jrecId = fmToList $ 
			case selectExpr of
			SelectExpr selectFM -> selectFM
			_ -> foldl addSetProps emptyFM $ fmToList jrecId
			propList::RecordId -> [PropId]
			propList recId = maybe [] setToList (lookupFM (recordIdPropIds db) recId)
			--addProps::SetId -> FiniteMap SetIdPropId Expr -> PropId -> FiniteMap SetIdPropId Expr
			addProps setId fm propId = addToFM fm (setId,propId) (EPropId (setId,propId))
			addSetProps fm (setId,recId) = foldl (addProps setId) fm $ propList recId
		evalItem jRecId = 
			(jRecId,foldl (selectItem jRecId) emptyFM (selectList jRecId))
		selectItem jrecId fm (leftId@(lSetId,lPropId),rightSide) = 
			case rightSide of
			EVal propVal -> addToFM fm leftId (Just propVal)
			EPropId (rSetId,rPropId) -> addToFM fm leftId
										 prop <- mbGetProp rPropId 
										 recId <- lookupFM jrecId rSetId
										 (getPropIdRecordIdVal prop rPropId recId)
		prop fn propId = fn (getProp propId) propId
		getProp propId = mayErr ("haspropId!"++show propId) $ mbGetProp propId
		mbGetProp propId = lookupFM (propIdTypeId db) propId >>= 
						   lookupFM (propTypes db)
	--dbOrderBy db [] resultSet= setToList resultSet
	dbOrderByPairs db orderByExpr resultSet = 
		--map snd $ 
		sortBy (orderer orderByExpr) $ setToList resultSet
		orderer [] a b = EQ
		orderer ((setId,propId):tail) a b = 
			if comp==EQ then orderer tail a b else comp
			mbARecId = lookupFM (fst a) setId
			mbBRecId = lookupFM (fst b) setId
				| isNothing mbARecId && isNothing mbBRecId = EQ
				| isNothing mbARecId = LT
				| isNothing mbBRecId = GT
				| otherwise = prop comparePropIdRecordIds propId 
							  (mayErr "order1" mbARecId) (mayErr "order2" mbBRecId)
		val fm = map (\ (setId,propId) -> 
					  fmap (prop getPropIdRecordIdVal propId)
					  (lookupFM fm setId)) orderByExpr
		prop fn propId = fn (getProp propId) propId
		getProp propId = mayErr "order mbGetProp" $ mbGetProp propId
		mbGetProp propId = lookupFM (propIdTypeId db) propId >>= 
						   lookupFM (propTypes db)
		  [setidpropid of result or original?
		  yes because we want to sort of fields that may not be apparent!
	dbGroupBy db [] joinedItemSet = unitSet joinedItemSet
	dbGroupBy db groupByExpr joinedItemSet  = mkSet $ map (mkSet.map fst) $ 
											  groupBy grouper sorted
		sorted = sortBy orderer $ map (\x->(x,val x)) $  setToList joinedItemSet
		grouper a b = snd a == snd b
		orderer a b = compare (snd a) (snd b)
		val fm = map (\ (setId,propId) -> 
					  fmap (prop getPropIdRecordIdVal propId)
					  (lookupFM fm setId)) groupByExpr
		prop fn propId = fn (getProp propId) propId
		getProp propId = mayErr "group prop missing" $ mbGetProp propId
		mbGetProp propId = lookupFM (propIdTypeId db) propId >>= 
						   lookupFM (propTypes db)
	dbWhereExpr db q = filterRequired (impl q)
		filterRequired::(Set SetId,Set InternalJRec) -> Set JoinedRecordIds
		filterRequired (required,jset) =  filterSet hasRequired (toRecIds jset)
			hasRequired::JoinedRecordIds -> Bool
			hasRequired fm = isJust $ sequence $ map (lookupFM fm) 
							 (setToList required)
		toRecIds jset = concatMapSet ijrecToSetJrec jset

			ijrecToSetJrec = ijRec2ToSetJrec . ijRecToijRec2
			ijRec2ToSetJrec setRecFM = 
				toRec (tail setRecList) $
									   mapSet (\x->unitFM firstSetId x) $ snd $ 
											  head setRecList
				setRecList = fmToList setRecFM
				firstSetId = fst $ head setRecList
				toRec [] set = set
				toRec ((hSetId,hSetRecIds):t) set = 
					union (toRec t set)
						  (concatMapSet (fmToSet hSetId hSetRecIds) set)
				fmToSet setId setRecIds fm = 
					mapSet (\recId -> addToFM fm setId recId) setRecIds
			ijRecToijRec2 rec = foldl fmFunc emptyFM recList
				recList = map getRecs $ fmToList rec
				getRecs::((SetId,PropId),Either Bool (Set PropVal)) -> (SetId,Set RecordId)
				getRecs ((setId,propId),vals) = (setId,	 getPropRecIds propId vals)
				fmFunc fm (setId,recIds)=addToFM fm setId $
										  maybe recIds (intersect recIds) 
												(lookupFM fm setId)
			{--ijRecToijRec2 rec = mapFM pairFM2RecIdSet rec
			pairFM2RecIdSet _ pairFM = foldl pairIntersect emptySet (fmToList pairFM)
			pairIntersect s (propId,propVal) = intersect s (getPropRecIds propId propVal)
		prop fn propId = fn (getProp propId) propId
		getProp propId = mayErr ("PropId not yet created!"++show propId) $ mbGetProp propId
		mbGetProp propId = lookupFM (propIdTypeId db) propId >>= 
						 lookupFM (propTypes db)
		getPropRecIds propId (Left exists) = 
			(if exists then id 
			 else minusSet (listToSet $ keysFM (recordIdPropIds db))) $
			maybe emptySet (\prop-> getPropIdRecordIds prop propId) $
			mbGetProp propId
		getPropRecIds propId (Right propVals) = concatMapSet (getPropIdValRecordIds 
														(getProp propId)
														propId) propVals
		--impl::WhereExpr -> (Set SetId,Set InternalJRec)
		impl (QExists (setId,propId) exists) = 
			(emptySet,unitSet (unitFM (setId,propId) (Left exists)))
		impl (QPair (setId,propId) is relationId val) =
			unitSet (unitFM (setId,propId) 
					 (Right $ getPropIdRelVals (getProp propId) propId 
					  is relationId val)))
		impl (QJoin joinType 
			  spLeft@(setIdLeft,propIdLeft) relationId  spRight@(setIdRight,propIdRight))=
		      (requiredSets joinType,
			    union leftSet rightSet)
			 requiredSets InnerJoin = mkSet [setIdLeft,setIdRight]
			 requiredSets LeftJoin = mkSet [setIdLeft]
			 requiredSets RightJoin = mkSet [setIdRight]
			 requiredSets _ = emptySet
			 leftVals = prop getPropIdVals propIdLeft
			 rightVals = prop getPropIdVals propIdRight
			 leftSet = concatMapSet leftVal2Set leftVals
			 rightSet = concatMapSet rightVal2Set rightVals
			 leftVal2Set lval 
				 | False && isEmptySet rVals = if joinType `elem` [InnerJoin,RightJoin]
									  then emptySet
									  else unitSet $ mkPair (return lval) mzero
				 | otherwise = mapSet (\rval-> 
									   mkPair (return lval) (return rval)) rVals
				 rVals = getRevVals propIdRight True relationId lval
			 rightVal2Set rval 
				 | False && isEmptySet lVals = if joinType `elem` [InnerJoin,LeftJoin]
									  then emptySet
									  else unitSet $ mkPair mzero (return rval)
				 | otherwise = mapSet (\lval-> 
									   mkPair (return lval) (return rval))
				 lVals = getVals propIdLeft True relationId rval
			 mkPair mbLeftVal mbRightVal = plusFM 
										   (maybe emptyFM leftFM mbLeftVal)
										   (maybe emptyFM rightFM mbRightVal)
				 leftFM leftVal = unitFM spLeft $ Right $ unitSet $ leftVal
				 rightFM rightVal= unitFM spRight $ Right $ unitSet $ rightVal

			 getRevVals propId = getPropIdRevRelVals (getProp propId) propId
			 getVals propId = getPropIdRelVals (getProp propId) propId
		impl (QOr wexpr wexpr2) = (intersect leftReq rightReq,union leftSet rightSet)
			(leftReq,leftSet) = impl wexpr
			(rightReq,rightSet) = impl wexpr2
		impl (QAnd wexpr wexpr2) = (union leftReq rightReq,combine)
			(leftReq,leftSet) = impl wexpr
			(rightReq,rightSet) = impl wexpr2
			combine = concatMapSet crossSets rightSet
			crossSets fm = mapSet (plusFM_C addThem fm) leftSet
			addThem (Right x) (Right y) = Right $ intersect x y
			addThem (Left True) (Right y) = Right y
			addThem (Left False) (Right y) = Right emptySet
			addThem (Left False) (Left True) = Right emptySet
			addThem (Left False) (Left False) = Left False
			addThem (Left True) (Left False) = Right emptySet
			addThem (Left True) (Left True) = Left True
			addThem (Right x) (Left True) = Right x
			addThem (Right x) (Left False) = Right emptySet

isExists (QExists _ _) = True
isExists _ = False
isPair (QPair _ _ _ _) = True
isPair _ = False
isJoin (QJoin _ _ _ _) =True
isJoin _ = False
isAnd (QAnd _ _) = True
isAnd _ = False
isOr (QOr _ _)= True
isOr _ = False

type RequiredSets = Set SetId
type InternalJRec = FiniteMap (SetId,PropId) (Either Bool (Set PropVal))
type InternalJRec2 = FiniteMap SetId (Set RecordId)
type InternalJSet = Set InternalJRec

unitJoin setId = mapSet (unitFM setId)

data BasicProp value = BP {bpForward::FiniteMap RecordId value
						  ,bpBackWard::FiniteMap value (Set RecordId)
						  } deriving (Eq,Ord)
bpEmpty = BP emptyFM emptyFM
newtype BPRelation = BPRelation String deriving (Read,Show,Ord,Eq)
newtype BPFunction = BPFunction String deriving (Read,Show,Ord,Eq)

bpDeleteRecordId  bp@(BP forward backward) recordId = BP forward' backward'
	forward' = delFromFM forward recordId
	backward' = maybe backward id $
			val <- lookupFM forward recordId 
			oldSet <- lookupFM backward val
			newSet <- return $ delFromSet oldSet recordId
			if cardinality oldSet ==1 
			   then return $ delFromFM backward val
			   else return $ addToFM backward val newSet

bpFromPropVal (PropVal x) 
	| val==[] && val2==[] = (error ("Can't parse val: "++
									(show $ typeOf val)++" "++(show x)))
	| val==[] = fst $ head val2
	| otherwise = fst $ head val
	val=reads x
	val2=reads ('\"':x++['\"'])

bpToPropVal x = PropVal $ show x

bpInsertRecordId bp recordId pv =
	BP forward' backward'
	value = bpFromPropVal pv
	BP forward backward = bpDeleteRecordId bp recordId
	forward' = addToFM forward recordId value
	backward' = addToFM backward value (addToSet oldSet recordId)
	oldSet = maybe emptySet id $ lookupFM backward value

bpGetPropValRecordIds bp@(BP forward backward) propVal = 
	maybeSet $ lookupFM backward (bpFromPropVal propVal)

bpGetPropVals (BP forward backward)  =
	mkSet $ map bpToPropVal $ keysFM backward

bpComparePropRecordIds (BP forward backward) recId recId2 = 
	maybe EQ id (do
				 val <- lookupFM forward recId
				 val2 <- lookupFM forward recId2
				 return $ compare val val2)
bpGetPropRelValRecordIds bp@(BP forward backward) (RelationId relTok) propVal = 
	foldl union emptySet $
	case relTok of
			 "=" -> maybe mzero return $ lookupFM backward val
			 "<" -> map snd $ takeWhile (\ (x,y)-> x < val) (fmToList backward)
			 "<=" -> map snd $ takeWhile (\ (x,y)-> x <= val) (fmToList backward)
			 ">=" -> ge
			 ">" -> (if isJust (lookupFM backward val) then tail else id) ge
	val = (bpFromPropVal propVal)
	ge = eltsFM_GE backward val

bpGetPropRevRelVals bp is r@(RelationId relTok) propVal = 
	bpGetPropRelVals bp is (RelationId r2) propVal
	r2 = case relTok of
		 "=" -> "="
		 "<" -> ">"
		 ">" -> "<"
		 "<=" -> ">="
		 ">=" -> "<="

bpGetPropRelVals bp@(BP forward backward) is r@(RelationId relTok) propVal = 
	mapSet bpToPropVal $
	case head relTok of
			 '=' -> if is then maybe emptySet (\_->unitSet val) $ 
					lookupFM backward val 
					else delFromSet (mkSet $ keysFM  backward) val
			 '<' -> if is then mkSet $ 
					(if relTok=="<=" then takeWhile (<=val) else takeWhile (<val)) $ 
					keysFM backward
					else mkSet $ keysFM_GE backward val
			 '>' -> if not is then mkSet (takeWhile (if relTok==">=" then (<val) 
									else (<=val)) $ keysFM backward)
					else let keys = keysFM_GE backward val in
							 mkSet (if relTok==">=" || null keys then keys
								   else if head keys == val then tail keys
								   else keys)

			 --"<=" -> if is then bpGetPropRelVals bp  (RelationId "<") propVal

			 --is && "<" -> map snd $ takeWhile (\ (x,y)-> x < val) (fmToList backward)
			 --"<" -> map snd $ takeWhile (\ (x,y)-> x < val) (fmToList backward)
			 --"<=" -> map snd $ takeWhile (\ (x,y)-> x <= val) (fmToList backward)
			 --">=" -> ge
			 --">" -> (if isJust (lookupFM backward val) then tail else id) ge
	val = bpFromPropVal propVal
	ge = eltsFM_GE backward val
bpIsRelation (RelationId relTok) val val2 = rel val val2
	where rel =
		  case relTok of
			 "=" -> (==)
			 "<" ->  (<)
			 "<=" -> (<=)
			 ">=" -> (>=)
			 ">" -> (>)
--bpUpdateRecordId bp@(BP forward backward) funId

bpGetRecordIds (BP forward backward) = listToSet $ keysFM forward
bpGetPropRecordIdVal (BP forward backward) recordId = fmap bpToPropVal $ lookupFM forward recordId
bpGetValSets (BP forward backward) = backward

--bpEnumRelations x = listToSet $ map (toRelationId x . BPRelation) 
--					  ["<",">","=","<=",">="] --substring,etc.

--is there a way of consolidating these?--
instance Property BasicProp String
	emptyProp x = bpEmpty
	deleteRecordId = bpDeleteRecordId
	insertRecordId = bpInsertRecordId
	getRecordIds = bpGetRecordIds
	getPropValRecordIds = bpGetPropValRecordIds
	getPropRelVals = bpGetPropRelVals
	getPropRevRelVals = bpGetPropRevRelVals
	getValSets = bpGetValSets
	getPropVals = bpGetPropVals
	getPropRecordIdVal = bpGetPropRecordIdVal
	isRelation bp = bpIsRelation
	comparePropRecordIds = bpComparePropRecordIds

instance Property BasicProp Integer
	emptyProp x = bpEmpty
	deleteRecordId = bpDeleteRecordId
	insertRecordId = bpInsertRecordId
	getRecordIds = bpGetRecordIds
	getPropValRecordIds = bpGetPropValRecordIds
	getPropRelVals = bpGetPropRelVals
	getPropRevRelVals = bpGetPropRevRelVals
	getPropVals = bpGetPropVals
	getPropRecordIdVal = bpGetPropRecordIdVal
	getValSets = bpGetValSets
	isRelation bp = bpIsRelation
	comparePropRecordIds = bpComparePropRecordIds

instance Property BasicProp Double
	emptyProp x = bpEmpty
	deleteRecordId = bpDeleteRecordId
	insertRecordId = bpInsertRecordId
	getRecordIds = bpGetRecordIds
	getPropValRecordIds = bpGetPropValRecordIds
	getPropRelVals = bpGetPropRelVals
	getPropRevRelVals = bpGetPropRevRelVals
	getPropVals = bpGetPropVals
	getPropRecordIdVal = bpGetPropRecordIdVal
	getValSets = bpGetValSets
	isRelation bp = bpIsRelation
	comparePropRecordIds = bpComparePropRecordIds

  Represent Interaction w/ DB via HTTP GET PUT POST DELETE
  Four levels of operations property,record,recordset,joinrecset.
  URL translation is:
  * /joins/joinId -- joinrecset operations
  * /sets/setId --PUT RecordQuery at Setid | RecordSet
				--GET /setid returns extensional set
				--DELETE deletes all records in the set and the set
				--POST modifies all records in the set
				--Ambiguity about deleting the set concept?
				--no it just another record in the database! --give location!
  * /records/recordId -- update an record
  * /records/recordId/propId 
  * /properties/types

--stuff that really belongs in data.Set
listToSet = mkSet --foldl addToSet emptySet list
filterSet f set = mkSet $ filter f $ setToList set

instance (Eq x,Eq y,Ord x,Ord y) =>Ord (FiniteMap x y) where
	compare fm1 fm2 = compare (fmToList fm1) (fmToList fm2)

instance (Eq b,Ord b) => Ord (Set b) where
	compare set1 set2 = compare (setToList set1) (setToList set2)

concatSets sets = foldr union emptySet (setToList sets)
concatMapSet f = concatSets . mapSet f

mayErr msg val = maybe (error msg) id val
mLookupFM fm key = maybe mzero return $ lookupFM fm key
maybeSet val = maybe emptySet id val

test = concatMap layout  $ dbSelect inserted selectExpr whereExpr groupByExpr orderByExpr
	layout fm = (foldr (\ ((SetId setId,PropId propId),value) text-> 
						(setId++'.':propId)++": "++(maybe "" propVal value)++"\t"++text)
				"" $ fmToList fm)++"\n"
	whereExpr = QAnd
				 (QPair (SetId "1",PropId "id") True (RelationId ">") (PropVal "0"))
				 (QPair (SetId "2",PropId "age") True (RelationId "<") (PropVal "60")))
				(QJoin InnerJoin 
				 (SetId "1",PropId "id") 
				 (RelationId "=") 
				 (SetId "2",PropId "id"))
    --selectExpr = SelectAll
	selectExpr' = SelectExpr $ listToFM [((SetId "",PropId "name"),
										 EPropId (SetId "",PropId "name"))
										,((SetId "",PropId "food"),
										 EPropId (SetId "",PropId "food"))]
	selectExpr = SelectExpr $ listToFM [((SetId "1",PropId "id"),
										 EPropId (SetId "1",PropId "id"))
										,((SetId "2",PropId "id"),
										 EPropId (SetId "2",PropId "id"))
									   ,((SetId "1",PropId "food"),
										 EPropId (SetId "1",PropId "food"))]
	groupByExpr = [(SetId "2",PropId "id")]
	orderByExpr = [(SetId "1",PropId "food")]
	propsMade = foldl (\db (propName,typeName,typeArgs) -> 
					   putPropId db (PropId propName) (PropTypeId typeName typeArgs))
					   emptyDB props
	inserted =snd $ dbInsert propsMade $ map (listToFM . map (\ (x,y)->(PropId x,PropVal y))) records
	emptyDB = emptyBDB
	props = [("name","String",[])
	records= [[("id","10"),("name","john doe"),("age","40")]
			 ,[("id","20"),("name","jane doe"),("age","50")]
			 ,[("id","30"),("name","bill fal"),("age","60")]


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