Coginitive Dimensions and Haskell (was RE: [Haskell] overuse of
maybe and [] in prelude and libs)
Simon Peyton-Jones
simonpj at
Thu Apr 8 18:30:50 EDT 2004
Alas, no.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: S. Alexander Jacobson [mailto:alex at]
| Sent: 08 April 2004 17:25
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Cc: Haskell Mailing List
| Subject: Coginitive Dimensions and Haskell (was RE: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and
| libs)
| Also, out of curiosity (since you are at MSFT) are
| you using any formal Cognitive Dimension stuff in
| the design of Haskell or its libraries?
| Your Excel paper is mentioned in the end-notes.
| If so, is there a publicly available CD analysis
| of Haskell and its libs available?
| -Alex-
| _________________________________________________________________
| S. Alexander Jacobson mailto:me at
| tel:917-770-6565
| On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| > Alex
| >
| > You've become a very sophisticated Haskell programmer!
| >
| > We did at one stage do something like this, by making list comprehensions into monad
| comprehensions. So
| > [ x*x | x <- xs, pred x]
| > meant the same as
| > do { x <- xs; if pred x then mzero else return (); return (x*x)}
| >
| > But in the next iteration of the language we undid the change, a controversial decision that some
| still regret. Because naïve users were getting too many perplexing error messages about monads and
| functors when they thought they were just manipulating lists.
| >
| > Haskell is pretty good about letting you install a different Prelude, so you could try it yourself.
| >
| > Simon
| >
| > | -----Original Message-----
| > | From: haskell-bounces at [mailto:haskell-bounces at] On Behalf Of S.
| Alexander
| > | Jacobson
| > | Sent: 08 April 2004 04:42
| > | To: Haskell Mailing List
| > | Subject: [Haskell] overuse of maybe and [] in prelude and libs
| > |
| > | It feels like the Prelude insists on using [] and
| > | Maybe too much. I keep writing things like this:
| > |
| > | foo = foldl union emptySet $ maybe mzero return $ lookup pairs key
| > | goo = maybe emptySet toSomething $ lookup pairs key
| > |
| > | which really should look like this:
| > |
| > | foo = concat $ lookup pairs key
| > | goo = fmap toSomething $ lookup pairs key
| > |
| > | But, even if we don't have a Monadic/Functor Set,
| > | foo should at least be:
| > |
| > | foo = foldl union emptySet $ lookup key
| > |
| > | In other words, shouldn't Prelude define concat
| > | and lookup as:
| > |
| > | concat = foldr mplus mzero -- (Also, see PS)
| > |
| > | lookup key [] = mzero
| > | lookup key ((x,y):xyz)
| > | | key == x = return y
| > | | otherwise = lookup key xyz
| > |
| > | And if it is a fundamental problem adding
| > | constraints to instances, why not add all
| > | automatically derivable classes as constraints to
| > | all the Prelude classes (esp. Monad and Functor!)
| > | and automatically derive instances of all
| > | derivable classes unless the programmer defines
| > | his/own methods.
| > |
| > | -Alex-
| > |
| > | PS Shouldn't concat be defined with foldl and not
| > | foldr? Doesn't foldr imply that you can't concat
| > | infinite lists? (I know this is a FAQ, but
| > | where?)
| > |
| > | _________________________________________________________________
| > | S. Alexander Jacobson mailto:me at
| > | tel:917-770-6565
| > | _______________________________________________
| > | Haskell mailing list
| > | Haskell at
| > |
| >
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