[Haskell] RTA'04: call for participation

Femke van Raamsdonk femke at few.vu.nl
Fri Apr 2 14:25:00 EST 2004

            *                                   *
            *  RTA'04   CALL FOR PARTICIPATION  *
            *                                   *

The 15th International Conference on 


and the workshops

* HOR    
  2nd int. workshop on higher-order rewriting  
* RULE   
  5th int. workshop on rule-based programming
* WFLP  
  13th int. workshop on functional and 
  (constraint) logic programming
* WRS    
  4th int. workshop on reduction strategies in 
  rewriting and programming
* WST    
  7th int. workshop on termination 
* WG 1.6 
  IFIP working group 1.6 on term rewriting

together form the Federated Conference on Rewriting, 
Deduction and Programming (RDP'04). 
RDP'04 takes place in Aachen, Germany, 
in the period May 31 - June 5, 2004.

Registration for RTA and the workshops is now open !
The deadline for early registration is 

  APRIL 30, 2004.

Please see the webpage for further information.

INVITED TALKS will be given at RTA'04 by:
* Neil Jones                (Copenhagen)
* Aart Middeldorp           (Innsbruck)
* Robin Milner              (Cambridge)

For further questions please contact the conference chair:

Juergen Giesl
RWTH Aachen
giesl at informatik.rwth-aachen.de

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