TACAS 2004 Call For Papers (deadline: October 17)
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Sat Sep 13 20:25:48 EDT 2003
Call for Papers
TACAS'04 [http://www.daimi.au.dk/%7Ecpn/tacas04/]
Tenth International Conference on
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
and Analysis of Systems
A member conference of
ETAPS 2004 [http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/]
European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
* October 17, 2003 Submission deadline
* December 12, 2003 Notification of authors
* January 9, 2004 Camera ready version due
* March 29 - April 2, 2004 TACAS 2004 Conference
Jonathan Billington, University of South Australia, Adelaide (Australia)
Bernard Boigelot, Université de Liège (Belgium)
Ed Brinksma, University of Twente (The Netherlands)
Witold Charatonik, University of Wroclaw (Poland)
Rance Cleaveland, SUNY Stony Brook (USA)
Giorgio Delzanno, Università di Genova (Italy)
David L. Dill, Stanford University (USA)
Susanna Donatelli, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Javier Esparza, University of Edinburgh (UK)
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University (USA)
Kurt Jensen (co-chair), University of Aarhus (Denmark)
Orna Kupferman, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel)
Yassine Lakhnech, Verimag Grenoble (France)
Kim Larsen, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Anca Muscholl, Université Paris 7 (France)
Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Andreas Podelski (co-chair), Max-Planck-Institut Saarbrücken (Germany)
Jaco van de Pol, CWI Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Jakob Rehof, Microsoft Redmond (USA)
Martin C. Rinard, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
Bill Roscoe, Oxford University (UK)
Bernard Steffen, Universität Dortmund (Germany)
Ofer Strichman, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA)
Antti Valmari, Tampere University of Technology (Finland)
Andreas Zeller, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany)
TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers and users interested in
rigorously based tools for the construction and analysis of systems. The
conference serves to bridge the gaps between different communities ---
including but not limited to those devoted to formal methods, software
and hardware verification, static analysis, programming languages,
software engineering, real-time systems, and communications protocols
--- that share common interests in, and techniques for, tool
development. In particular, by providing a venue for the discussion of
common problems, heuristics, algorithms, data structures and
methodologies, TACAS aims to support researchers in their quest to
improve the utility, reliability, flexibility and efficiency of tools
for building systems.
TACAS is a member conference of the European Joint Conferences on Theory
and Practice of Software (ETAPS), which is the primary European forum
for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating to
Software Science. ETAPS 2004 [http://www.lsi.upc.es/etaps04/] is the
seventh joint conference in this series. The conference is organized by
the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) [http://www.upc.es].
Tool descriptions and case studies with a conceptual message and
theoretical papers with a clear link to tool construction are all
encouraged. The specific topics covered by the conference include, but
are not limited to, the following:
* Specification and verification techniques
* Theorem-proving and model-checking
* System construction and transformation techniques
* Static and run-time analysis
* Compositional and refinement-based methodologies
* Testing and test-case generation
* Analytical techniques for real-time, hybrid and safety-critical
* Tool environments and tool architectures
* Applications and case studies
As TACAS addresses a heterogeneous audience, potential authors are
strongly encouraged to write about their ideas in general and
jargon-independent, rather than application- and domain-specific, terms.
Authors reporting on tools or case studies are strongly encouraged to
indicate how their experimental results can be reproduced and confirmed
TACAS 2003 received a *record number of submissions*: 140 research
papers and 20 tool papers were submitted. The Program Committee selected
35 research papers and 6 tool papers, and invited 2 research paper
submissions as tool papers. The average acceptance ratio was 27% (25%
for research papers and 30% for tool papers).
* Conference program 2003
* On-line proceedings 2003
(available via Springer's LINK service)
Kurt Jensen, University of Aarhus (Denmark)
Andreas Podelski, Max-Planck-Institut Saarbrücken (Germany)
Bernhard Steffen, Universität Dortmund (Germany)
Antti Valmari, Tampere University of Technology (Finland)
As with other ETAPS conferences, TACAS accepts two types of
contributions: *research papers* and *tool demonstration papers*. Both
types of contributions will appear in the proceedings and have oral
presentations during the conference.
Please notice that there are *two different conference services* for
submission of papers:
* The TACAS 2004 Conference Service is used for submission of
research papers.
* The TACAS 2004 TOOL Conference Service is used for submission of
tool demonstration papers.
-- Authors who anticipate possible last minute delays in the submission of
a full research paper or a full tool demonstration paper are encouraged
to submit a title and abstract well in advance of the deadline. --
Research papers
Research papers cover one or more of the topics above, including tool
development and case studies from a perspective of scientific research.
Research papers are evaluated by the TACAS Program
Committee. Submitted research papers *must*:
* be in English and have a maximum of 15 pages,
* present original research which is unpublished and not submitted
elsewhere (conferences or journals) -- in particular, simultaneous
submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences
is forbidden,
* use the Springer-Verlag LNCS style
* be submitted electronically in Postscript or PDF form via the
TACAS 2004 Conference Service no later than October 17.
Submissions deviating from these instructions may be rejected without
review. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the
Program Committee Chairs Kurt Jensen [http://daimi.au.dk/~kjensen/] or
Andreas Podelski [http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~podelski] prior to submitting.
Tool demonstration papers
Tool demonstration papers present tools based on aforementioned
technologies (e.g., theorem-proving, model-checking, static analysis, or
other formal methods) or fall into the above application areas (e.g.,
system construction and transformation, testing, analysis of real-time
and hybrid systems, etc.). Tool demonstration papers are evaluated by
the TACAS Tool Chair with the help of the Program Committee.
Submitted tool demonstration papers *must*:
* be in English and have a maximum of 4 pages,
* have an appendix (not included in the 4 page count) that provides
a detailed description of:
o how the oral presentation will be conducted, e.g.
illustrated by a number of snapshots,
o the availability of the tool, the number and types of users,
other information which may illustrate the maturity and
robustness of the tool,
o link to a web-page for the tool (if this exists).
The appendix will *not* be included in the proceedings, but during
the evaluation of the tool demonstration papers it will be
*equally important* as the pages for the proceedings
* use the Springer-Verlag LNCS style
* be submitted electronically in Postscript or PDF form via the
TACAS 2004 TOOL Conference Service no later than October 17.
Submissions deviating from these instructions may be rejected without
review. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the
Tool Chair Bernhard Steffen
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