Announce: wxHaskell 0.2

Daan Leijen daanleijen at
Tue Sep 16 16:24:50 EDT 2003

Announcement: wxHaskell version 0.2 


The new release has (improved) support for tree controls, list 
controls, toolbars, splitter windows, sliders, gauges, and bitmap
buttons. Screenshots of these widgets on different platforms have been
added to the website. Furthermore, there are numerous small bug fixes,
especially for wxGTK. A list of non-compatible changes is attached at 
the end of this mail.

wxHaskell is a portable GUI library for Haskell. The goal of the 
project is to provide an industrial strength portable GUI library, but 
without the burden of developing (and maintaining) one ourselves. 

wxHaskell is therefore build on top of wxWindows -- a comprehensive 
C++ library that is portable across all major GUI platforms; including 
GTK, Windows, X11, and MacOS X. Furthermore, it is a mature library 
(in development since 1992) that supports a wide range of widgets with 
native look-and-feel, and it has a very active community (ranked among 
the top 25 most active projects on sourceforge).

Since most of the interface is automatically generated from the 
wxEiffel binding, the current release of wxHaskell already supports 
about 75% of the wxWindows functionality -- 2766 methods in 505
classes with 1279 constant definitions.

wxHaskell has been build with GHC 6.0/6.01 on Windows, MacOS X and 
Unix systems with GTK. A binary distribution is available for Windows 
and MacOS X. 

And even if you don't intend to write GUI's yourself, it will be fun 
to check out the screenshots at <>.

All the best,
  Daan Leijen.

ps. More funny statistics: the wxWindows libraries have been 
downloaded over a million times at sourceforge! The Python binding to 
wxWindows (wxPython) about 600.000 times, and the Haskell binding
to wxWindows about 100 times :-)

Breaking changes to version 0.1:

- Renamed the "WXH" layer to "WXCore". 
  > import Graphics.UI.WXCore
  instead of 
  > import Graphics.UI.WXH

- Changed the interface of menu items a bit. The label and help text 
  is now  supplied via attributes:
  > medit    <- menuPane       [text := "&Edit"]
  > mfont    <- menuItem medit [text := "&Font...\tCtrl+F"
  >                            ,help := "Set the font"]

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