Haskell for non-Haskell's sake
Tom Moertel
Fri, 05 Sep 2003 20:18:46 -0400
Hal Daume III wrote:
> If you use Haskell for a purpose *other than* one of those
> listed below, I'd love to hear.
Haskell is the implementation language behind PXSL, the Parsimonious XML
Shorthand Language:
PXSL ("pixel") is a convenient shorthand for writing markup-heavy
XML documents. It provides XML authors and programmers with a
simple, concise syntax that they can use to create XML
documents. For more advanced users, PXSL offers customizable
shortcuts and sophisticated refactoring tools like functional
macros that can markedly reduce the size and complexity of
markup-dense XML documents.
PXSL also borrows Haskell's layout rule, which you can see in this
brief example comparing some MathML in XML and PXSL:
MathML in XML MathML in PXSL
<declare type="fn"> declare -type=fn
<ci> f </ci> ci << f >>
<lambda> lambda
<bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar> bvar
<apply> ci << x >>
<plus/> apply
<apply> plus
<power/> apply
<ci> x </ci> power
<cn> 2 </cn> ci << x >>
</apply> cn << 2 >>
<ci> x </ci> ci << x >>
<cn> 3 </cn> cn << 3 >>
I used Haskell to write PXSL because (a) I like Haskell, (b) it made
writing the parser easy (thanks, Parsec!), (c) it made the macro system
easy, and (d) did I mention that I like Haskell?