Haskell for non-Haskell's sake
Andy Gill
Tue, 02 Sep 2003 17:03:52 -0700
The Timber group at OHSU/OGI are using Haskell to write their Timber
and Timber VM executable specification.
Andy Gill
Hal Daume III wrote:
>Hi fellow Haskellers,
>I'm attempting to get a sense of the topology of the Haskell
>community. Based on the Haskell Communities & Activities reports, it
>seems that the large majority of people use Haskell for Haskell's sake.
>If you use Haskell for a purpose *other than* one of those listed below,
>I'd love to hear. I don't need a long report, anything from a simple "I
>do" to a paragraph would be fine, and if you want to remain anonymous
>that's fine, too.
>Purposes which I consider "Haskell for Haskell's sake" include:
> - writing Haskell compilers/interpreters
> - developing libraries for Haskell
> - writing Haskell debuggers, tracers, profilers or other tools
> - more or less anything with matches /.*Haskell.*/, other than
> /in Haskell$/ :)
> - Hal
> Hal Daume III | hdaume@isi.edu
> "Arrest this man, he talks in maths." | www.isi.edu/~hdaume
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