Multiparameter classes in HUGS and GHC

Ashley Yakeley
Wed, 28 May 2003 00:51:14 -0700

In article <>,
 Graham Klyne <> wrote:

> class (Eq k, Show k) => Pair a k v where
>      newPair :: (k,v) -> a k v
>      getPair :: a k v -> (k,v)

I would consider one of these instead:

  class Pair1 a where
      newPair1 :: (Eq k, Show k) => (k,v) -> a k v
      getPair1 :: (Eq k, Show k) => a k v -> (k,v)

  class (Eq k, Show k) => Pair2 p k v | p -> k,v where
      newPair2 :: (k,v) -> p
      getPair2 :: p -> (k,v)

Pair2 is more general than Pair, for instance:

  data CharBoolPair = MkCharBoolPair Char Bool

  instance Pair2 CharBoolPair Char Bool where
      newPair2 (c,b) = MkCharBoolPair c b
      getPair2 (MkCharBoolPair c b) = (c,b)

CharBoolPair cannot be made an instance of your Pair (since it has kind 

Pair is more general than my Pair1, there may be type constructors that 
are instances of Pair but not Pair1; but I can't imagine them turning up 
in well-written code.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA