Missing class functions

Ashley Yakeley ashley@semantic.org
Tue, 27 May 2003 23:45:30 -0700

In article <3ED38E43.2030204@cse.ogi.edu>,
 Iavor Diatchki <diatchki@cse.ogi.edu> wrote:

> yep this is annoying.  there is a flag in GHC to warn you about
> such missing methods:
> -fwarn-missing-methods

Agreed, and it's inconsistent with modules. For instance, this is an 

  module M (a) where {}

...but this isn't:

  class C t where {a :: t;};
  instance C Bool;

I'd like to request a "-ferror-missing-methods" flag. Actually, it would 
be nice if every warning flag had an "error" flavour.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA