Fixing a type variable inside a function
Andre Pang
Sat, 17 May 2003 00:35:00 +1000
Hi all, I'm having some trouble trying to get a particular function
Let's say I have a type class, and I have two functions -- fromString
and toString -- which can convert a string to an instance of that type
class, and convert an instance of that type class to a string,
respectively. e.g.
module SillyFreeTypeVariables where
class MyTypeClass c where
toString :: c -> String
fromString :: String -> c
data Instance1 = Instance1
instance MyTypeClass Instance1 where
toString _ = "Instance1"
fromString "Instance1" = Instance1
data Instance2 = Instance2
instance MyTypeClass Instance2 where
toString _ = "Instance2"
fromString "Instance2" = Instance2
Now, there's a function foo:
foo :: MyTypeClass c => c
foo generates things things which belong to MyTypeClass. I want to use
it as follows:
SillyFreeTypeVariables> foo :: Instance1
SillyFreeTypeVariables> foo :: Instance2
My problem is: how can foo be written? I've tried:
foo = fromString (toString undefined))
but this gives back an error message:
Ambiguous type variable `a' in the top-level constraint:
`MyTypeClass a'
arising from use of `toString' at SillyFreeTypeVariables.hs:18
Which is understandable, because the type of '(toString undefined)' is
ambiguous, since there's a free type variable there ("toString
undefined" doesn't actually return a type, only a type class
constraint, which the type checker complains about). What I'd like is
that to be able to fix the type variable in MyTypeClass for
"undefined", so that it is the same type as the result type of foo, e.g.
foo :: MyTypeClass resultType => resultType
foo = fromString (toString (undefined :: resultType))
but I can't seem to do this -- GHC's scoped type variables don't seem
to help either, or at least I couldn't get it working. I'm pretty sure
that fixing the free type variable would work because if I change foo
to look like
foo :: MyTypeClass resultType => resultType
foo = fromString (toString (undefined :: Instance1))
then the typechecker is happy and it compiles and runs, although now I
can obviously only get foo to return something with a type of
Instance1, thus rendering it useless :). I don't want to pass a
parameter to foo to get this to work. Is it possible?
Thanks muchly!
% Andre Pang :