simulating dynamic dispatch
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:41:48 -0800 (PST)
Hal Daume wrote:
> -- *Main> test $ MkFoo (0::Int)
> -- Just True
> -- *Main> test $ MkBar 'a'
> -- Just True
> i forgot to mention the constraint
> that i don't want the user to have to use the MkFoo/MkBar
> constructors. if i could use them internally to 'test', that would be
> great, but that's what i couldn't get to work :).
It can be done without burdening the user with typing MkFoo and
MkBar. In fact, the enclosed code shows that it is possible to
implement the dynamic dispatch on a type class context -- exactly the
way you wanted it, it seems. The code resorts to no unsafe operations.
Here's the test:
-- *Main> test (1::Int)
-- "this is foo calling: 1"
-- *Main> test 'a'
-- "this is bar calling: 'a'"
-- *Main> test [True,False]
-- "this is quu calling: [True,False]"
Here's the code
-- Dynamic dispatch on a constraint: Foo, Bar, or Quux
-- The constraints to dispatch on
class Foo a where { foo :: a -> String }
class Bar a where { bar :: a -> String }
class Quu a where { quu :: a -> String }
-- Populate the type classes
instance Foo Int where
foo x = "this is foo calling: " ++ (show x)
instance Bar Char where
bar x = "this is bar calling: " ++ (show x)
instance Quu [Bool] where
quu x = "this is quu calling: " ++ (show x)
-- The Universe (with hidden constraints)
data PACK = forall a . Foo a => MkFoo a | forall a . Bar a => MkBar a
| forall a . Quu a => MkQuu a
-- The packer
class Packable a where
pack:: a -> PACK
-- The following three instances seem to be the "inverse"
-- of the "instance Foo Int" .. instance Quu [Bool]
-- The three instances below do an important job: they "introduce"
-- the class context, so to speak.
-- Also, a type can be a member of several type classes. The following
-- instances resolve the ambiguity. For example, even if Int were a member
-- of a class Bar (in addition to being the member of a class Foo), the first
-- instance declaration below resolves Int to a class Foo (and so we would
-- dispatch on Foo when we see an Int).
instance Packable Int where
pack = MkFoo
instance Packable Char where
pack = MkBar
instance Packable [Bool] where
pack = MkQuu
-- The dispatcher
instance Foo PACK where
foo (MkFoo x) = foo x
instance Bar PACK where
bar (MkBar x) = bar x
instance Quu PACK where
quu (MkQuu x) = quu x
test:: (Packable a) => a -> String
test = dispatch . pack
dispatch x = case x of
(MkFoo a) -> foo a
(MkBar a) -> bar a
(MkQuu a) -> quu a
-- *Main> test (1::Int)
-- "this is foo calling: 1"
-- *Main> test 'a'
-- "this is bar calling: 'a'"
-- *Main> test [True,False]
-- "this is quu calling: [True,False]"