state of Standard

Serge D. Mechveliani
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 15:51:17 +0300

Dear Haskellers,

Could you, please, tell me what is the recent state of the 
Haskell Standard development?

I have a wish for the Standard Library:   FiniteMap, Set
(of GHC library).

And I have a question on the  function name  overloading,
and on the  record field name  overloading.

A language should support a natural naming of objects.
For example:

  data Operator = 
       Operator{opName        :: String,
                opWeight      :: Int,
                opSortage     :: ([String],[String],String),
                opOrd         :: Int,
                opPrecedences :: (Int, Int)

is not good -- due to `op' prefix.
And many other data also have  name, weight, ord,  and so on.
So, one may try to introduce

  class WithName a   where  name       :: a -> String
                            set_name   :: a -> String -> a
  class WithWeight a where  weight     :: a -> Int
                            set_weight :: a -> Int -> a
  trivialOperator = Operator{ ... some trivial setting ...} 

to change the names like  opName  to  opName__, opWeight__, ...
to show that the latter are local and not for usage,
to introduce

  instance WithName Operator where name = opName__
and then, use all this, for example, as follows:
            nm   = name opr
            opr' = set_name "foo" $ 
                   set_weight 1   $ 
                   set_ord 2      $ opr 
        in  ...

This leads to following complications.

* Class declarations add.

* The Standard does not allow to define the instances like

   type BN = (String, Bool)
   instance WithName BN where name = fst

* There are many operations that should be synonymic but have
  different kind. For example,
                               weight :: a -> Int
                               weight :: Table -> a -> Int

  This leads to adventures with multiple parameter classes, 
  and so on.

Similar difficulties arise with the  function  names.

Is Haskell all right at this point?

Reply, please, to

Thank you in advance for the explanation.

Serge Mechveliani