clueless GHCI user wishes to load QuickCheck

Arthur Baars
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 01:06:25 +0100

QuickCheck is in de "util" package. You can load a package with the 
-package flag:

$ ghci -package util
Prelude> :browse QuickCheck
class Arbitrary a where {
     arbitrary :: Gen a; coarbitrary :: forall b. a -> Gen b -> Gen b; }
arbitrary :: forall a. (Arbitrary a) => Gen a
Prelude>:module QuickCheck

Prelude QuickCheck> :info trivial
-- trivial is a variable
trivial :: forall a. (Testable a) => Bool -> a -> Property

Hope this helps.



On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 07:02 PM, Norman Ramsey wrote:

> Can anyone help me figure out how to load QuickCheck into GHCI?
> QuickCheck is included in my Debian package, but my attempts
> at loading it are bootless:
> Prelude> :load QuickCheck
> can't find module `QuickCheck'
> Prelude> :load util/QuickCheck
> can't find module `util/QuickCheck'
> Prelude> :info
> syntax: `:i <thing-you-want-info-about>'
> Prelude> :load util/QuickCheck.hi
> can't find module `util/QuickCheck.hi'
> Prelude> :load /usr/lib/ghc-5.02.2/imports/util/QuickCheck.hi
> can't find module `/usr/lib/ghc-5.02.2/imports/util/QuickCheck.hi'
> Prelude> :load /usr/lib/ghc-5.02.2/imports/util/QuickCheck
> can't find module `/usr/lib/ghc-5.02.2/imports/util/QuickCheck'
> Prelude>
> Any advice, anyone?
> Norman
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