
Bjorn Lisper
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:46:51 +0100 (MET)

>Just a side remark.
>I wonder whether the byte-code approach is the best possible solution
>taking into account the overload of the decoder. Why not threaded code?
>The FORTH (and similar) experience, PostScript implementations, etc.
>show that this paradigm may be more interesting. Anyway, when you read
>for the first time the Talmud, ehmmm....., I mean the description of
>the STG machine by Simon PJ and others, you see that some of their
>ideas are not very far from code threading.
>The classical FORTH style, with the separation between tha data and
>return stacks seems quite appropriate for easy implementations of
>higher-order control structures. If you saw the bells and whistles
>inside a FORTH processor implemented on 8bit machines, you would
>agree with me.
>But I do not exclude the possibility that all this has been already
>discussed and rejected for some serious reasons...
>Jerzy Karczmarczuk

Good remark, I just didn't think of the threaded approach. There is a reason
Forth was popular on early desktop systems. I'd like to hear some arguments
regarding the pros and cons of the threaded vs bytecode approaches!
