Open research position in types for security

Manuel M T Chakravarty
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 17:31:58 +1000 (EST)

We are looking for a Senior Research Associate in the area
of type theory and its application to programming languages
in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at
University of New South Wales.  The School is one of the
largest computing schools in Australia, has an extensive
research program and regularly attracts funding from
government institutions as well as industry.  The successful
applicant will contribute to a major research project
spanning the areas of programming languages, compilers, and
operating systems; for a project description, see

Essential criteria include:

* Strong track record in type theory and programming

* Experience in one or more of the following: automated
  theorem proving, functional programming, compiler

* Demonstrated ability to conduct independent research and
  record of publications in relevant areas

Full details concerning the position are at

Interested?  Just send me an email and I'll happily provide
further information.


  Manuel M T Chakravarty                       
  School of Computer Science & Engineering
  University of New South Wales, Sydney