Enum, Bounded, and Arithmetic Sequences
Johannes Waldmann
Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:20:37 +0200 (CEST)
Some thoughts on Enum, Bounded, and [ x .. y ] notation.
Sometimes I want to write
> x :: Foo <- [ .. ]
that is, an enumeration with both implicit lower and upper bound.
This is useful if the type is both an instance of Enum and Bounded.
Example: in module Foo, you have
> data Foo = A | B | C deriving ( Enum, Bounded )
and in another module Bar, I want to loop over all possible Foo values,
but - I don't want to change the text of Bar
after I added one new Foo value (anywhere in the enumeration).
A related point: the Haskell definition states that
> enumFrom and enumFromThen should be defined with an implicit bound, thus:
> enumFrom x = enumFromTo x maxBound
> ..
This suggests that this `maxBound' is the method of class Bounded.
I think this should be enforced -
the *only* method in Enum should be `enumFromTo'.
If one writes [ x .. ], then the compiler expands this to
`enumFromTo x maxBound', and therefore adds a `Bounded' constraint.
Likewise, [ .. y ] expands to `enumFromTo minBound y',
and [ .. ] to `enumFromTo minBound maxBound' .
I think this would make matters more simple and orthogonal.
PS: and enumFromThenTo should just be removed, alongside n+k patterns :-)
-- Johannes Waldmann ---- http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~joe/ --
-- joe@informatik.uni-leipzig.de -- phone/fax (+49) 341 9732 204/209 --