Type classes and code generation
Bayley, Alistair
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 09:09:26 +0100
I had a discussion with someone over the type class mechanism and would like
to clarify something.
When I compile this trivial program:
> module Main where
> main = putStrLn (show (1 + 2))
with ghc -Wall, the compiler says:
Warning: Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type `Integer'
`Num a' arising from the literal `2' at Main.lhs:3
This implies to me that the compiler is generating the code for (+) for the
particular instance, rather than using a run-time dispatch mechanism to
select the correct (+) function. Is this correct, or am I way off? Does the
compiler *always* know what the actual instances being used are? Is there
some way of preventing the type mechanism from generating code for the
instance type, as opposed to the class?
If I am correct, does it work the same way across module boundaries? (I
would think so.) If a module exports a class but no instances for that
class, then a user of that class would have to install their own instances.
OTOH, if the class plus one or more instances were exported, then a user
could use the supplied instance types, and the compiler would still generate
code to use the specific instances.
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