ANNOUNCE: GreenCard 3.01

Alastair Reid
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 14:53:03 +0100

			   Green Card 3.01
	A Foreign Function Interface Preprocessor for Haskell

In preparation for a major release of Green Card, we are making an
alpha release for folk to play with.  This release fixes a bunch
of little details that people commented on in the 3.00 release.  We
welcome bug reports, comments on how the system is packaged,
the web page, examples, comments from those who build binary
and source packages, etc. and especially welcome comments 
accompanied by patches or cvs commit messages.

This is a major release of Green Card, a foreign function interface
pre-processor for Haskell.  GreenCard 3.01 has been updated to work
with Haskell compilers that support the foreign function interface and
hierarchial libraries.

The major changes from the 2.x series of GreenCard are:

 - Support for hierarchial module names.
 - The StdDIS module has been renamed Foreign.GreenCard.
 - Support for all the types provided by the FFI specification.
 - Removed deprecated types like Addr: use the Ptr type provided
   by the FFI specification.
 - The Hugs and NHC-specific backends has been removed since FFI
   support renders it irrelevant.

Pointers to downloadable distributions, documentation etc.
is available via the Green Card home page:

Please send any bug reports or suggestions for improvements to
alastair at

Alastair Reid