Typesafe MRef with a regular monad

Ralf Hinze ralf@informatik.uni-bonn.de
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:11:48 +0200

> A more concrete way to formulate a problem that I believe to be
> equivalent is this.  Implement the following interface
>    module TypedFM where
> 	data FM k		-- Abstract; finite map indexed by keys
> of type k
> 	data Key k a		-- Abstract; a key of type k, indexing a
> value of type a
> 	empty :: FM k
> 	insert :: Ord k => FM k -> k -> a -> (FM k, Key k a)
> 	lookup :: Ord k => FM k -> Key k a -> Maybe a
> The point is that the keys are typed, like Refs are.  But the finite map
> FM is only parameterised on k, not a, so it can contain (key,value)
> pairs of many different types.
> I don't think this can be implemented in Haskell, even with
> existentials.  But the interface above is completely well typed, and can
> be used to implement lots of things.  What I *don't* like about it is
> that it embodies the finite-map implementation, and there are too many
> different kinds of finite maps.

Here is a Haskell 98 implementation:

> module TypedFM
> where

> data FM k                     =  FM
> data Key k a                  =  Key k a

> empty                         =  FM
> insert FM k a                 =  (FM, Key k a)
> lookup FM (Key k a)           =  Just a

Cheers, Ralf