Collecting values from Functors?
Ralf Hinze
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 07:43:55 +0200
> Rather than using fmap, why not use gmap in GHC.
> Using an appropriate generic traversal scheme,
> say listify, all the code you write is the
> following expression:
> listify (const True) mytree :: [Int]
> if you are looking for all the Ints in
> mytree = Fork (Leaf 42) (Fork (Leaf 88) (Leaf 37))
> So this would give you [42,88,37].
What happens if the tree contains additional integers to record,
say, balancing information. The information a functor provides
is vital here. Take as the simplest example
newtype Weighted a = WithWeight (Int, a)
Without the functor definition there is no way to distinguish the
two Ints in Weighted Int.
Cheers, Ralf