ICFP 2003 / PLI 2003 -- early registration ends tomorrow (July 30)!

shivers@ai.mit.edu shivers@ai.mit.edu
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 11:49:00 -0400 (EDT)

ICFP, the International Conference on Functional Programming, is coming up
soon -- August 25-29, in Uppsala, Sweden. The following "Call for
Participation" has the important bits, but here is the key thing you
need to know if you are thinking of attending this year:

	       ** Early registration ends tomorrow, July 30. **

Most hotels will close out their guaranteed reservations by tomorrow, as

I also append the complete program of talks. 

See you in Sweden...
   -Olin Shivers
    program chairman

Call for Participation
ICFP 2003: ACM International Conference on Functional Programming
August 25-29, 2003
Uppsala, Sweden

* About ICFP
The goal of ICFP is to
  - stimulate and promote international research on functional programming, and
  - act as focal point to bring together the functional-programming
    community for intellectual cross-pollination and collaboration.

The scope of the conference includes all languages that encourage programming
with functions, including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as
well as languages that support objects and concurrency. The topics covered
range from principles to practice, from foundations to features, and from
abstractions to applications.

The conference is affiliated with PLI, a confederation of international
meetings sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, which this year will also include
  - PPDP (International Conference on Principles and Practice of 
    Declarative Programming)
  - LOPSTR (International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis 
    and Transformation)
  - Haskell Workshop
  - Erlang Workshop
  - MERLIN (Mechanised Reasoning About Languages with Variable Binding)
  - DPCOOL (Declarative Programming in the Context of Object-oriented 

* Useful URLs
  - Main web page for the entire PLI meeting; contains information on accepted
    papers, registration, accomodation, and social events:

  - Main web page for ICFP:

  - ICFP programme:

* Registration now open
Registration is now open and the early registration deadline is July 30th.
NOTE: The cut-off date for guaranteed hotel reservations varies
with the hotel and is typically *before* July 30th. It is advisable to
make your hotel reservations soon.

* Conference programme

Monday 25 August 2003

Invited talk: 9:00-10:00
  Conservation of information: Applications in functional, 
  reversible, and quantum computing
    Thomas Knight, Jr. (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) 

Session I: 10:30-12:30
  Scripting the type-inference process
    Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage, Doaitse Swierstra (Universiteit Utrecht) 
  Discriminative sum types locate the source of type errors
    Matthias Neubauer, Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg) 
  MLF: Raising ML to the power of system F
    Didier Le Botlan, Didier Remy (INRIA Rocquencourt) 
  An extension of HM(X) with bounded existential and universal data-types
    Vincent Simonet (INRIA Rocquencourt) 

Session II: 2:15-3:45
  CDuce: an XML-centric general-purpose language
    Véronique Benzaken (LRI, Université Paris Sud, Orsay), 
    Giuseppe Castagna (CNRS, LIENS, École Normale Supérieure), 
    Alain Frisch (LIENS, École Normale Supérieure, Paris) 
  Compiling regular patterns
    Michael Levin (University of Pennsylvania) 
  Software is discrete mathematics
    Rex Page (University of Oklahoma) 

Session III: 4:15-6:00
  Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types
    James Leifer (INRIA Rocquencourt), Gilles Peskine(INRIA Rocquencourt),
    Peter Sewell (University of Cambridge), Keith Wansbrough 
    (University of Cambridge) 
  Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time lambda
    Gavin Bierman (University of Cambridge), Michael Hicks (University of 
    Maryland, College Park), Peter Sewell (University of Cambridge), Gareth 
    Stoyle (University of Cambridge), Keith Wansbrough (University of 
  Iterative-free program analysis
    Mizuhito Ogawa (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), 
    Zhenjiang Hu (University of Tokyo), Isao Sasano (Japan Advanced
    Institute of Technology and Science) 
  Report on ICFP 2003 & 2004
    Olin Shivers & Kathleen Fisher 

Tuesday 26 August 2003

Invited talk: 9:00-10:00
  From Hilbert space to Dilbert space: Context semantics as a language for 
  games and flow analysis
    Harry Mairson (Brandeis University) 

Session IV: 10:30-12:30
  A theory of aspects
    David Walker (Princeton University), Steve Zdancewic (University of 
    Pennsylvania), Jay Ligatti (Princeton University) 
  Dependency-style Generic Haskell
    Andres Löh, Dave Clarke, Johan Jeuring (Universiteit Utrecht) 
  Functional automatic differentiation with Dirac impulses
    Henrik Nilsson (Yale University) 
  A user-centred approach to functions in Excel
    Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research), Alan Blackwell (University of 
    Cambridge), Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University) 

Session V: 2:15-3:45
  A sound and complete axiomatization of delimited continuations
    Yukiyoshi Kameyama (University of Tsukuba), Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto 
  Call-by-value is dual to call-by-name
    Philip Wadler (Avaya Labs) 
  Disjunctive normal forms and local exceptions
    Emmanuel Beffara, Vincent Danos (Université Paris 7) 

Session VI: 4:15-6:00
  An effective theory of type refinements
    Yitzhak Mandelbaum (Princeton University), David Walker (Princeton 
    University), Robert Harper (Carnegie Mellon University) 
  A static type system for JVM access control
    Tomoyuki Higuchi, Atsushi Ohori (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and 
  Parsing polish, step by step (functional pearl)
    John Hughes (Chalmers University), Doaitse Swierstra (Universiteit
  Programming contest awards presentation
    John Hughes et al. (Chalmers University of Technology) 
Wednesday 27 August 2003

Session VII: 9:00-10:30
  Boxes go bananas: Encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric 
    Geoffrey Washburn, Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania) 
  FreshML: Programming with binders made simple
    Mark Shinwell, Andrew Pitts, Murdoch Gabbay (University of Cambridge) 
  Meta-programming through typeful code representation
    Chiyan Chen, Hongwei Xi (Boston University) 

Session VIII: 11:00-11:30
  Optimistic evaluation: An adaptive evaluation strategy for non-strict
    Robert Ennals (University of Cambridge), Simon Peyton Jones
    (Microsoft Research) 

Invited talk (joint with PPDP'03): 11:30-12:30
  Understanding aspects
    Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University)