Reading/Writing Binary Data in Haskell
Wolfgang Jeltsch
Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:21:17 +0200
On Wednesday, 2003-07-09, 05:31, Glynn Clements wrote:
> [...]
> There isn't a standard mechanism for binary I/O.
NHC98 contains the York Binary library. Can someone tell me if this is
available for other Haskell systems? And didn't GHC also provide binary I/O?
> However, a simple and fairly generic mechanism for doing this is:
> 1. Read in a list of "Char"s with the standard I/O functions.
This will most likely cause problems under Windows. The reason is that the
standard I/O functions are intended for reading and writing text, and that's
why under Windows the sequence CRLF (#0D#0A) is interpreted as a single LF
(#0A) and EOF (#1A) is interpreted as the end of the file.
> 2. Use "map (fromIntegral . ord) ..." to get a list of "Word8"s (octets).
This assumes that the standard I/O functions use a one byte character
encoding. I don't now whether this is guaranteed by the Haskell report.
> [...]