two easy questions
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:26:53 +0800
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 06:33:10PM +0100, Stefan Karrmann wrote:
> Mike T. Machenry (Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 10:23:45PM -0500):
> > Question 1: Is there an easier, more elegant way to write this code?
> >
> > output a b c d e = println "Hello, this is " ++ show a ++ " a really hard "
> > "to write function that " ++ show b ++ " would be easier to write with "
> > "a printf " ++ show c ++ show d ++ show e
> You can write a printf-like function in Haskell, s.t.
> output = <construct-printf.hs>
> google it, since I do not remember the location of the paper.
I don't remember the paper's URL either, but here is a sample
data End = End
data L fmt = L String fmt
data S fmt = S fmt
data I fmt = I fmt
class Format fmt x | fmt->x where
format' :: fmt -> String -> x
instance Format End String where
format' (End) out = out
instance (Format fmt x) => Format (L fmt) x where
format' (L s fmt) out = format' fmt (out++s)
instance (Format fmt x) => Format (S fmt) (String->x) where
format' (S fmt) out = \s -> format' fmt (out++s)
instance (Format fmt x) => Format (I fmt) (Int->x) where
format' (I fmt) out = \i -> format' fmt (out++ show i)
format :: (Format fmt x) => (End -> fmt) -> x
format f = format' (f End) ""
lit = L
str = S
int = I
main = putStrLn (format (int.lit " is ".str) 5 "five")
So you see the part (int.lit " is ".str) is to construct something
like "%d is %s" in printf. You may extend the idea to support other
types too.