let-where difference

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Mon Dec 22 10:53:15 EST 2003

The program 
    f = [ 1,
          (a+b where a = 1
                     b = 2
is qualified by some compilers as a wrong syntax.
    f = [ 1,
          (let a = 1
               b = 2
           in  a+b
is accepted.
What may be the reason for such difference, 
is this a `bug' in Haskell-98 ?

(Usually `let' and `where' are moved out of such a list construct, 
but for a large list with non-trivial expressions for the members, 
it may be natural to remain them).

Thank you in advance for the explanation.
Copy, please, the answer to               mechvel at botik.ru

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at botik.ru

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