Parsing HTML
andrew cooke
andrew at
Wed Dec 10 16:07:38 EST 2003
Thanks - you should have replied to the list, because I think I did your
package a dis-service. I've just been looking at the Haskell XML Toolbox,
and comparing the two, and now that I understand a little more it seems
like either will be fine for me.
In fact I will copy this to the list, hope that's OK, because maybe
someone will find this info via Google one day and find it useful.
Malcolm Wallace said:
> "andrew cooke" <andrew at> writes:
>> - HaXml looks like it might do what I want, but
>> (1) seems tricky to install (needs "make", which isn't that cool for
>> Windows);
> Until the general Haskell Library Infrastructure project is
> sufficiently mature, I'm afraid 'make' is going to be pretty
> de rigeur for any build-from-source library.
> Having said that, in the case of HaXml I reckon it would be pretty
> straightforward to dispense with 'make' and issue a couple of 'ghc
> --make' commands by hand. Especially since you seem only to want a
> few of HaXml's facilities, not the complete set.
> Another alternative is simply to copy the small number of modules
> you need into your local build tree, and ignore the standard package
> mechanism altogether.
>> (2) has a load of fancy-schmancy combinator stuff, when all I want is a
>> stream of tokens (something like the Java SAX interface);
> If you really want only a stream of tokens, have a look at
> Text.XML.HaXml.Lex. For an error-correcting parse into a generic
> tree-like XML data structure, use Text.XML.HaXml.Html.Parse. You don't
> need the Combinators, Haskell2Xml, Xml2Haskell stuff at all.
>> (3) doesn't seem that solid on the basics
>> (doesn't seem to handle namespaces (maybe they appear as part
>> of the attribute name?)
> Namespaces are transparent, in the sense that the namespace is part
> of the element or attribute name, but there is no further automatic
> processing of it. So basically HaXml doesn't do anything fancy with
> namespaces, but it doesn't crash, or discard them either.
>> (and I haven't yet worked out what it does about
>> other "esoteric" things like character entities, XML declarations,
>> comments, etc)).
> All of these are stored in the 'generic' XML data structure
> representation, so you can use them or discard them as you wish.
> data Element = Elem Name [Attribute] [Content]
> type Attribute = (Name, AttValue)
> data Content = CElem Element
> | CString Bool CharData -- bool is whether whitespace
> is significant
> | CRef Reference -- character and entity references
> | CMisc Misc -- comments, processing instructions,
> etc.
>> (No offense implied - it's a cool piece of work, just
>> doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for;
> None taken. I'm sure it looks complicated from the outside, but
> really it is just a collection of individual pieces that can be
> mixed and matched to suit the needs of any particular application.
>> I'd write it myself, but (X)HTML is deceptively complex, ...
>> HTML isn't XML,
> HaXml's special error-correcting HTML parser deals with most of this
> stuff, for instance self-closing tags (IMG), implicitly closed tags (P),
> improperly nested tags, and so on.
>> typical malformed pages (unescaped "<" in text; unescaped data in
>> URLs inside links (eg "&"), etc)
> These two examples of error situations might be beyond the current
> capability of the error-correcting parser, but I haven't checked in
> a long while.
> So in summary, I think HaXml will get you a long way towards your
> goal, but you will probably want to be selective about what you use,
> and there may be extra things you need to code for yourself on top.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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