overlapping instances and functional dependencies
C T McBride
Thu, 21 Aug 2003 13:58:18 +0100 (BST)
Hi all
With overlapping instances, I'm allowed
class OK x y
instance Functor f => OK (f x) (f y)
instance Functor f => OK x (f y)
but I'm not allowed
class Bad x y z | x y -> z
instance Functor f => Bad (f x) (f y) Bool
instance Functor f => Bad x (f y) Int
I don't quite see why. Naively, I imagine that if the OK instances are
effectively prioritized, then Bad's rules for computing z from x and y
could be similarly prioritized. Can anyone explain why this naive
imagining is incorrect?
PS a more complicated, less contrived example is available on request