GPCE 03 Call for Participation

Akos Ledeczi
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 08:04:05 -0500

               GPCE'03: 2nd International Conference on
           Generative Programming and Component Engineering

            In Cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT and
                    co-located at NetObjectDays'03

                 September 22-25, 2003, Erfurt, Germany

GPCE is the premier forum for dissemination and discussion of ideas
on domain-specific languages, generative programming, model-based
development, and component engineering. It brings together software
engineering and programming language researchers and practitioners
interested in key technologies for automating program development.
This second conference will be co-located with NetObjectDays'03,
one of the largest main-stream software development conferences
in Germany.

GPCE'03 program features

     2 invited talks, by Olivier Danvy and Peri Tarr
    21 papers featuring latest research in
         - Domain-Specific Languages
         - Staged Programming
         - Modeling-Based Development
         - Aspect-Orientation
         - Meta-Programming and Language Extension
         - Domain-Specific Code Generation
     4 workshops
         - Reflectively Extensible Programming Languages and Systems
         - Product Line Engineering - The early steps: Planning,
           Managing, and Modeling
         - Component Engineering Methodology
         - GPCE Young Researchers Workshop
     6 tutorials
         - Executable UML
         - Domain-Specific Languages
         - Multi-Staged Programming
         - Generatrive Programming
         - Model-Driven Development
         - Model-Driven Architecture
     6 tool demonstrations of tools for
         - Metamodeling
         - Model-Driven Architecture
         - Generative development

GPCE'03 attendees will have access to all NetObjectDays'03 events
including Keynote Addresses by Steve Mellor, Jim Odell, and Dave

Poster submissions and submissions to the Product Line Engineering
Workshop are still being solicited.

For details of the conference program please refer to