Haddock Problems
Dominic Steinitz
Mon, 18 Aug 2003 18:06:10 -0700
Can someone tell me why I get the following warnings and also why the
generated documentation is blank?
Many thanks, Dominic.
[dom@redearth crypto]$ haddock Codec/Encryption/DES.hs
Warning: module not found: Word
Warning: module not found: Codec.Encryption.DESAux
Warning: module not found: Prelude
Warning: Codec.Encryption.DES: the following names could not be resolved:
encrypt decrypt
Here's the offending module.
-- |
-- Module : Codec.Encryption.DES
-- Copyright : (c) Dominic Steinitz 2003
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : dominic.steinitz@blueyonder.co.uk
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Takes the DES module supplied by Ian Lynagh and wraps it so it can
-- used with the standard modes.
-- <http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/ian.lynagh/>.
module Codec.Encryption.DES (
-- * Function types
encrypt, decrypt
) where
import Codec.Encryption.DESAux
import Word
-- | Basic DES encryption which takes a key and a block of plaintext
-- and returns the encrypted block of ciphertext according to the standard.
encrypt = flip des_enc
-- | Basic DES decryption which takes a key and a block of ciphertext and
-- returns the decrypted block of plaintext according to the standard.
decrypt = flip des_dec