Compositional Verification of UML Models
M.M. Bonsangue
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:57:48 +0200
(We apologize for the reception of multiple copies)
************** DEADLINE IS APPROACHING: CALL FOR PAPER ***************
Call for Papers
Compositional Verification of UML Models
Workshop of the UML 2003 Conference
The definition of UML has been motivated by the need for a standard
notation for modelling system architectures and behaviours at
functional and implementation level. The main fqocus has been
essentially on terminology, notation and syntax without addressing
semantic, validation and methodology issues which are important for
formal design and verification techniques. This workshop addresses the
application of formal methods and techniques that exploit the
architectural structure of UML models in a compositional manner.
The workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
* semantic foundations of architectural and
component-based design within UML
* compositional techniques for the analysis embedded and
real-time systems in UML
* compositional model checking of UML behavioural models
* compositional deductive methods based on OCL
* methodologies based on compositional formal techniques
The workshop will consist of presentations of the accepted papers,
which will be the basis for an intensive discussion on the workshop
topics. Extended abstracts of the presentations will be published
after the workshop by Elsevier Science as a volume of the Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science.
For an up-to-date program and invited talks see the workshop web-site
Authors are invited to submit by August 25th an extended abstract not
exceeding 20 pages electronically to Submissions
must be either in Postscript or PDF format and prepared for USLetter
or A4 page sizes.
Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee for inclusion
in the proceedings, which will be published by Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science series. Papers must contain original
contributions, be clearly written, and include appropriate reference
to and comparison with related work. Simultaneous submissions to other
conferences are not allowed.
25 August Submission deadline
10 September Notification to authors
1 October Deadline for preliminary version
21 October Workshop date
21 November Deadline for final version
Frank de Boer (CWI, NL)
Marcello Bonsangue (LIACS, NL)
Werner Damm (OFFIS, DE)
Susanne Graf (Verimag, France)
David Harel (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Jozef Hooman (University of Nijmegen, NL)
Bernhard Josko (OFFIS, DE)
Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute, ISR)
Willem-Paul de Roever (Kiel University, DE)
Joseph Sifakis (Verimag, FR)
Frank de Boer (CWI, NL)
Marcello Bonsangue (LIACS, NL)
Bernhard Josko (OFFIS, DE)
This workshop is sponsored by the European R&D project OMEGA - Correct
Development of Real-time Embedded Systems (,
and the German-Dutch project Mobi-J (main sponsor of FMCO,