Calling Haskell from Java

Immanuel Litzroth
13 Aug 2003 13:58:02 +0200

>>>>> "Brandon" == Brandon Michael Moore <> writes:

    Brandon> Is it fine if the interface uses JNI? The jvm-bridge is
    Brandon> an excellent tool if you can use JNI

thanks, I'll check out the jvm bridge stuff.

    Brandon> What are you trying to do? 

There was an interesting story in C/C++ users journal about the
Eclipse Platform ( Extension of Eclipse is achieved
by adding (Java-based) plugins. An ide for haskell should be possible 
but to use the Language.Haskell.* stuff you would have to call Haskell
from Java. This is just a hobby project (I am condemned to writing
C/C++ for a living) so I can't promise to deliver anything.

It makes me uncomfortable to see
An English spinster of the middle class
Describe the amorous effects of `brass',
Reveal so frankly and with such sobriety
The economic basis of society.
W.H. Auden

Immanuel Litzroth
Software Development Engineer
Enfocus Software
Kleindokkaai 3-5
B-9000 Gent
Voice: +32 9 269 23 90
Fax : +32 9 269 16 91
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