HI && TypeCast

Fredrik Petersson fredde@x-web.se
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 23:24:13 +0200

Hi there!
Iam new to the list so feel free to shout at me when i do wrong! :)
Software-designer from sweden, likes fast bikes and metal, thats me, and hi
to you all!

Yeah ok to the problem,
i have this stupid code,
[c | (c,i) <- l]

Where (c,i) are a tuple from a (Char,Int) and l is a [(Char,Int)]
So far everthings nice but i would like to cast the c to a Sting and add :
in front,
So if i fry with a list like [('d',3)('f',3)]
I end up with
"fg" but i want it to look like
":f :g"

piece of cake, huh?
Give me a hit or a webpage to read more from...?
How do you TypeCast in haskell?
