GHC doesn't like its own type?
Erkok, Levent
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 15:57:51 -0700
Sometimes ghc/hugs will reject a program when you provide a type signature
that it can deduce itself. This has been observed before: See Simon PJ's
Of course, the "bus error" and the "panic" are truly GHC bugs, you might be
better off reporting them at:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 3:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: GHC doesn't like its own type?
> The previously message "Deeply uncurried products, as categorists
> might like them" can be used to demonstrate certain behavior of GHC
> that seems a bit odd. If we save the text of that message in a file,
> /tmp/a.lhs, we can load it into GHC:
> $ ghci -fglasgow-exts /tmp/a.lhs
> GHC Interactive, version 5.04.1
> Ok, modules loaded: Main.
> *Main>
> The whole code loads and typechecks. The code contains the following
> definition, without an explicit type signature:
> > fcomp a = (. fapp) (mcomp a)
> We can ask GHCi to tell us the type of fcomp:
> *Main> :type fcomp
> forall result f1 a f2 c cp.
> (FApp a cp c, MCompose f2 cp c result) =>
> (f1 -> f2) -> a -> f1 -> result
> and make that type, verbatim, to be the signature of fcomp:
> > fcomp:: forall result f1 a f2 c cp. (FApp a cp c, MCompose f2 cp c
> result) => (f1 -> f2) -> a -> f1 -> result
> > fcomp a = (. fapp) (mcomp a)
> If we reload the file, we get an error:
> /tmp/a.lhs:124:
> Could not deduce (FApp a cp c1)
> from the context (FApp a cp c, MCompose f2 cp c result)
> Probable fix:
> Add (FApp a cp c1) to the type signature(s) for `fcomp'
> arising from use of `fapp' at /tmp/a.lhs:124
> In the second argument of `(.)', namely `fapp'
> In the definition of `fcomp': (. fapp) (mcomp a)
> /tmp/a.lhs:124:
> Could not deduce (MCompose f2 cp c1 result)
> from the context (FApp a cp c, MCompose f2 cp c result)
> Probable fix:
> Add (MCompose f2 cp c1 result) to the type signature(s) for
> `fcomp'
> arising from use of `mcomp' at /tmp/a.lhs:124
> In the first argument of `(. fapp)', namely `(mcomp a)'
> In the definition of `fcomp': (. fapp) (mcomp a)
> I used to think that the inferred type is the most general type, and
> that the compiler would accept as explicit the type that it itself
> inferred. I was wrong?
> The second odd circumstance is best illustrated by the following
> transcript. Assume that /tmp/a.lhs is the text of the previous message
> as it was posted:
> $ ghci -fglasgow-exts /tmp/a.lhs
> GHC Interactive, version 5.04.1, for Haskell 98.
> Loading package base ... linking ... done.
> Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
> Compiling Main ( /tmp/a.lhs, interpreted )
> /tmp/a.lhs:76: Warning: No 'main' defined in module Main
> Ok, modules loaded: Main.
> *Main> let x = \f -> fapp f (('a','b'),('c',('d','e')))
> Bus error (core dumped)
> Incidentally, if I enter
> > x = \f -> fapp f (('a','b'),('c',('d','e')))
> into /tmp/a.lhs and load the file into GHCi, I get
> ghc-5.04.1: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.04.1):
> rdrNameModule zddFApp
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