Super Haddock

Mario Lang
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 15:13:23 +0200

Johannes Waldmann <> writes:

>> On Friday 25 April 2003 09:09, Ketil Z. Malde wrote:
>> > I'm not sure I would like this.  I guess I'm one of (the apparently
>> > very few?) who are using LaTeX lhs style (using \begin/\end{code}).
> I don't use .lhs normally but I would love to see some "active lhs",
> that is, text containing Haskell expressions that actually
> get evaluated when (or before) typsetting.

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I wrote
my first Haskell program that way.  I wrote a little style file
named runtest.sty, which provides two environments:
heval: You can put expressions inside heval, and you get 
the expression and the result inserted into your document.  This uses GHCi.
withstdin: Using this environment, you can execute a program giving
it some STDIN, and also see the result.

Note that runtest.sty depends on the web2c shell_escape, which is
disabled by default.  Enable it in your texmf.cfg or by
setting the environment variable shell_escape

If you're interested, see
