Super Haddock (was Re: Literate Programming)

Johannes Waldmann
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:22:37 +0200 (MET DST)

> On Friday 25 April 2003 09:09, Ketil Z. Malde wrote:

> > I'm not sure I would like this.  I guess I'm one of (the apparently
> > very few?) who are using LaTeX lhs style (using \begin/\end{code}).

I don't use .lhs normally but I would love to see some "active lhs",
that is, text containing Haskell expressions that actually
get evaluated when (or before) typsetting.
(Mathematica has this, and I'm sure some other systems do it also.)

Preferably accompanied by a class (like Show) 
producing formatted output - perhaps LaTeX, perhaps HTML.
(Example application: I'm writing a graph theory text,
and I want to embed pictures that are produced by a Haskell program)

I once built a similar beast (for active literate programming
in a domain specific language - not Haskell) 
(but the implementation was done in Haskell, of course)
to typeset my PhD thesis.
-- Johannes Waldmann ---- --
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