Reverse Engineering call for papers - WCRE 2003

Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 10:43:18 -0700

      The 10th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering

                           WCRE 2003
              Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
                     November 13 - 16, 2003


                         Call for Papers

The Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) is the 
premier research conference on the theory and practice of 
recovering information from existing systems.  Now preparing 
to hold our tenth meeting, we explore innovative methods of 
extracting the many kinds of information that can be recovered 
from the data, software, and other components that comprise 
systems, and examine innovative ways of using this information 
in system understanding, renovation, and system reengineering.
Topics discussed at WCRE include but are not limited to:

* Software maintenance & evolution   * Program analysis and slicing
* Decompilation & binary translation * Refactoring
* Program comprehension              * Program transformations
* Software architecture extraction   * Cluster and concept analysis
* Requirements reengineering         * Object identification
* Software migrations                * Browsing & searching legacy sys.
* User interface reengineering       * Software visualization
* Web-enabling legacy systems        * XML, meta-data, and data-exchange
* Web-site reverse engineering       * Reverse engineering tool support
* Transitioning to product lines     * Documentation generation
* Data reverse engineering           * Formal methods for rev. eng.
* Experience reports                 * Programming knowledge 
* Reengineering patterns                 representations
* Collaborative reengr efforts       * Requirements traceability
* Software process implications      * Dynamic analysis
* Reverse engineering economics      * UML and round trip engineering
* Preprocessing and parsing          * Software metrics
* Software components                * Migration to model-driven 
* Web services                           architectures
* Reverse engr in homeland security   

Submission of Papers

Papers should describe original and significant work in the 
research and practice of reverse engineering.  Papers should be 
limited to 10 proceedings pages.  Papers must not have been 
previously published nor have been submitted to, or be in 
consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference. 
Papers must conform to the IEEE paper guidelines.  WCRE 2003 
is using an electronic submission process.  For more details,
please visit:
Important Dates

May 23, 2003              Submit title + abstract
June 6, 2003              Papers due (firm deadline)
July 7, 2003              Workshop proposals due
July 14, 2003             Notification of acceptance
August 15, 2003           Camera-ready papers due (firm!)
October 13, 2003          Tool demonstration proposals due
WCRE is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society\'s 
Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE)
and by the the Reengineering Forum
