Fw: [HOpenGL] Haddock installation question

Matthew Donadio m.p.donadio@ieee.org
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 14:34:23 -0400

Andre W B Furtado wrote:
> I got the following error while trying to compile Haddock (./configure
> step):
> error: 'lex' or 'flex' is required to compile GHC
> >From where can I download 'lex' or 'flex'? Do they come with Cygwin/GHC
> installation packages?
> My config is: Windows XP under Cygwin, GHC-5.04.2

Flex should be available with Cygwin.  Start the Cygwin Net Installer,
choose an installation site, and look for flex in with the development

Hope this helps.

Matthew Donadio (m.p.donadio@ieee.org)