deriving Enum vs. deriving Bounded

Johannes Waldmann
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:33:48 +0200 (MET DST)

What is the rationale for not allowing `deriving Enum'
for data types with a single unary constructor;
while `deriving Bounded' is allowed in this case.

Oh I see, deriving Bounded is allowed even for a single k-ary constructor,
but the Report probably didn't want to fix 
an order of enumeration for the argument tuples.

But then, why is `deriving Ord' allowed in this case :-)
as it also refers to the fixed order of arguments.

I don't intend to change anything here, I just want to understand 
the decision made in the Report. I'm sure this issue (and many others) 
must have been discussed - are the arguments archived somewhere?

Best regards,
-- Johannes Waldmann ---- --
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