Main.main naming convention

Iavor S. Diatchki
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 08:30:40 -0700


koen wrote:
 > ...
> Another such restriction is the fact that any module which
> is called Main *must* have a function which is called main
> in it.
 > ...
technically a module called Main need not define a function called main. 
  all that is required is that there is a function called main in scope.
if there isn't one ghci gives a warning these days, wihch seems quite 

martin wrote:
 > ...
 > You'd need to specify which module should be the top-level module when
 > compiling, of course.
 > ...
by the way, you can get what you want in GHC i think by the follwoing 
trick (it is a trick however):

#ifndef MAIN_IS_A
module A

main = print "A"

now you can compile it as follows, to get an executable:
ghc -cpp -D=MAIN_IS_A A.hs

if you want to use it as a library, just omit the -D part.
also if you will be doing this a lot it may be a good idea to use the 
-odir -hidir flgas of GHC.


| Iavor S. Diatchki, Ph.D. student               |
| Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
| School of OGI at OHSU                          |
|               |