class Function ?
Ashley Yakeley
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 00:10:09 -0800
At 2002-10-28 22:41, Nick Name wrote:
>The only thing that should be done is to invent a special name for the
>juxtaposition operator (or just to use $), and to let (->) become an
>instance of the "Function" class.
I think function application has to be primitive and not an operator.
Otherwise you would end up with this:
f a
is syntactic sugar for
f `juxtapose` a
is syntactic sugar for
(juxtapose f) a
is syntactic sugar for
(juxtapose ((juxtapose juxtapose) f)) a
is syntactic sugar for
(juxtapose ((juxtapose juxtapose) ((juxtapose ((juxtapose juxtapose)
juxtapose)) f))) a
Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA