Using functions from package haskell98 - GHC 5.04

Marco van Roshum
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:46:05 +0200

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Malcolm Wallace []
> Sent: dinsdag 22 oktober 2002 11:28
> To: Marco van Roshum
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Using functions from package haskell98 - GHC 5.04
> "Marco van Roshum" <> writes:
> > In my program, I use the function "isDigit", which is part of
> > haskell98.Data.Char
> >=20
> > When compiling my program, I get the error: Variable not in scope:
> > isDigit. The same error occurs when I explicitly use the package
> > haskell98 as in the following command-line.
> Are you remembering to add "import Data.Char" to your program?

Ah, thanx. That was the problem. Indeed, I assumed that did not have=20
to give a package option and also that there was an implicit
"import" in my Haskell Program, which is not the case.

Regards, Marco