GHC, Parallel libraries

Simon Peyton-Jones
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:19:07 +0100

| I looked on the web for a precompiled binary version of those
| libraries, in vain. I found the GUM web page but it seems to be much
| outdated, based on the ghc-4.06. Is there any more recent version

Not as far as I konw.  The parallel version of GHC is maintained and
developed by the GPH team,

They are working on a GHC5.x version I believe, but it certainly does
not come with an ordinary GHC distribution.  Building it from source is
unlikely to work, but I'm sure Phil Trinder and Hans Loidl would love
your  help in making it work!

| Then, I tried to get the ghc-5.04.1 source distribution and compile it
| from source. I found the building guide on the ghc site but it talks
| only about fptools in general and does not mention the ghc
| The build (./configure --prefix=3D$HOME ; make) fails. First of all it
| could not find 'readline', which I solved by some hacking,
| now it fails with: Main.hs: can't locate import `Exception'
| apparently because the binary bundle directory hierarchy is different
| from what the Makefile expects.

Building GHC from source (non-parallel) should certainly work.  Try
again now; there was a moment a couple of days ago when the imports were
messed up.  What version of GHC are you compiling with?
