Functional dependencies and improvement

Martin Sulzmann
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 17:41:44 +0800 (GMT-8)


yet again FD's! In my previous example I employed FD's to improve
constraints. However, there are cases where FD's seem to be overly
restrictive. Take a look at the Haskell code below. Have others
made similar experiences?


-- FDs are sometimes overly restrictive

module Insert where

class Insert a b | b -> a where insert :: a->b->b

class Leq a where leq :: a->a->Bool

instance Leq a => Insert a [a]
-- we're not so interested in the values for the purpose of this example

-- hugs or ghc will complain about the following instance
instance Insert Int [Float]
-- though this makes sense! Elements of value Int should allowed to be stored as Floats

{- Reason: Improvement in case of FDs seems overly restrictive

Consider Mark Jones paper "Type Classes with Functional Dependencies", page 12, Section 6.2.

In case of the above type class we require that
for each constraint Insert t1 t2 and declaration

 instance C => Insert t1' t2' where

if phi(t2) = t2' then phi(t1) = t1' for some substitution phi.
However, we have that phi([a]) = [Float] and phi(a) \not= Int where
phi=[a |-> Float]. The problem is that the improvement strategy
does not take into account the context in the instance declaration.

We should only improve 'Insert a [b]' to 'Insert b [b]' where phi=[a |-> b]
in case we additionally find 'Leq b'. Though, this cannot be specified
with FD's.
